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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

I'm actually quite upset. I can't shake this depression. Do I have to leave town and or country again and look for a whole new set of friends because i can't handle the bastards that surround me?
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

PS - my friends are not the bastards, bitches, wankers, cunts, whatever you want to call them. We all know them. What do I do? How do I avoid them? Someone show me a route they never travel? Otherwise, i'll take my own one i suppose.
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Jon Corby
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Post by Jon Corby »

Andy Wilson wrote:bastards, bitches, wankers, cunts, whatever you want to call them. We all know them.
Some of us are them :)
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Aye, and it's contagious. In fact, it takes the cunt ages to recover.
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Matt Morrison
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Post by Matt Morrison »

Ah I just read your status comments on Facebook Andy so I figured this would be a cut down version of that there!

This sort of thing should spark great discussion (but don't get me wrong, you'd need to be less cryptic than your opening post is in order to explain to people what you really mean - I've had the privilege of reading your Facebook status in detail too for extra information) but have a look at other similar threads people have started about depression and stuff - you won't get a very good response here because people simply don't know how to react, but don't take it personally.

People are cunts. It's not just Irish people. It's everyone in this great nation. I've had many frustrated philosophical middle-of-the-night heated chats with close friends (usually when high, you just don't care enough when drunk) about the decline of our society. Sad thing is you just learn to live with it. I feel very helpless at times when I'm exposed to the depths of some people's hopelessness. What else is there to say? I dunno, I just got up.
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Thanks Matt. Yup, I was pretty high last night, and a little sauced too. I decided to single out my own countrymen and women on facebook as most of them on there are Irish and most of them are nice, but I wanted to get the message across that we're not nice enough. Sometimes i'm not nice. I grew up being bullied and led down wrong paths, but eventually, I found my way.

I just pretty much spent the last 4 days walking around Bologna singing quietly with my ukelele while drunk and high. Everyone smiled at me, bar the lady in the church who kicked me out for singing in there (couldn't help it, sounded so nice in there). Over here, I get frowned at when I sing on the street.

Having someone beep their car horn at you is not nice. We need patience. But we don't have the space. So we beep our car horns and pass on the stress to the person in front. I watched my mother try park her car yesterday while a younger driver revved and crept up giving her no space. She's pushing 60 and has always suffered high blood pressure and works her fucking arse off. Where is respect gone?

As the 21(ish) year olds hassled the Bangladeshi guys in the Spice Route last night, my stomach turned. They usually would have made me afraid, but after the week i've just had, opening myself to all kinds of people, walking around with no fear, I feel bulletproof. This body language meant that they got out of my way and didn't dare take out their drunken shtick on me.

After they left, I had to convince the guys working there that this behaviour should not be deemed acceptable. One of them argued that they were alright as customers go, but the other one, raised an eyebrow and as I continued both began to smile widely. Here was this drunk Irish guy being super nice and damning the non nice ones. I doubt it had ever happened to them before. Next time, I'll have the courage to tell the people doing the damage that they are in the wrong.

It was set off by a brief chat with a semi famous musician I half know. He used to refill my cartridges when i worked at the net cafe and he worked in the print shop. He was always super nice and has shared floors with really close friends of mine he played with back in the day, who have always said he was sound, so when I bumped into him and approached him about a simple idea i was inviting him to partake in, i had no fear that he would cause me any trouble. He proceeded to take the piss out of everything I said. Just like some of my fellow students did for the last 2 years. There were only 10 of us in the class. I sunk into a deep depression. Some mornings i would be at the bus stop and then just not get on it and go home and back to bed. I flunked and blamed myself.

My skin is finally growing thicker and I will not tolerate this any more. It's turning me into a cunt.
Last edited by Andy Wilson on Tue Sep 07, 2010 12:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ben Hunter
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Post by Ben Hunter »

Andy Wilson wrote:I just pretty much spent the last 4 days walking around Bologna singing quietly with my ukelele while drunk and high.
Best holiday ever :lol:
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Never again!
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Matt Morrison
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Post by Matt Morrison »

An absolutely fantastic post Andy. I wish I could add more. It's that old adage about ignorance being bliss. The more you think, the harder it is to accept. I have often wondered whether life would be better if you didn't have the intelligence to question soceity and see its wrongs, if you were one of those young drivers with no respect, one of those racist pikies taking the piss out of a curry merchant. Look at them all, they seem pretty happy, the fucking cunts.
Ryan Taylor
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Post by Ryan Taylor »

Now you're back hurry up and take your scrabble go before I fucking force forfeit you.
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Hah. Hard to play scrabble with the dunphies so it is but i've taken my go in that game. Cheers again Matt.
Marc Meakin
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Post by Marc Meakin »

Took me best part of 2 years to get over my latest bout of depression.
Ironically (my favourite word used out of context) it was only after my heart attack that I got over it.
Solitude is the meat and drink for depression, i used to hide both emotionally and physically.
Stuck in a hospital bed for a month I couldn't hide anymore so had to share my feelings.
Now I am on top of the world.
Just wanted to get it off my chest.
BTW it was only this site and Apterous that kept me going during the darkest times.
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Andy Wilson wrote:Aye, and it's contagious. In fact, it takes the cunt ages to recover.
By the way, this wasn't just a cool pun... it's true. We're born nice. We gradually get away with being dicks and after a while it's hard to turn back and we've become a total cunt. But everyone can change. If you're just a cunt in little ways, you can change that fairly easily once you admit to yourself that, yeah, i'm a bit of a cunt in that way.

I told a friend a few months back that the reason none of his old mates spend any time with him anymore is because he turned into a total cunt. He dragged this info out of me, desperate for me to help him out of his crushing loneliness. I like the guy. I didn't want to have to be the one to tell him he'd become a total cunt. He was blind to it. His girlfriend of 6 years had just dumped him and finally he was almost totally alone. He broke down in tears in front of me. This guy who had always seemed so confident and strong.

In the days Immediately following this conversation I began to notice a change in him. Now the old mates that had little or no time for him have let him back in and he's in better form and being nicer than ever. Now, it's not coming easy to him. He tells me that sometimes he really has to check himself and of course, his drinking, which aggravates his cuntyness, but he's doing fucking really well and i'm damn proud of the cunt!
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Jon Corby
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Post by Jon Corby »

I doubt very much that we're born nice. We're animals. Society forces us to be nice by working for the greater good and all that jazz. Without such constructs it'd be down to survival of the fittest. Us nerdy fags could work away all we liked but the bigger boys would just beat us up and nick everything.

Deal with it.

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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Jon Corby wrote: Us nerdy fags could work away all we liked but the bigger boys would just beat us up and nick everything.
I've always felt like the nerdy fag... but when i stand up straight and be myself, I look stronger and tougher than I give myself credit for. This tells the bigger bully boys that i mean business and they respect me. I fear that this feeling will wear off soon and i'll go back to being nervous and hunched, like I was in that aussie bar the day i met some of you guys for the first time. I need to encourage myself to stand the fuck up for myself without being loud and obnoxious and cocky. Quiet confidence. Self belief. If i allow myself to admit defeat i will be broken forever and i will be a shadow of the man i could have been. I have lost the best years of my twenties. 5 years ago i was really hitting the up slope. I've been on a downward spiral lately. It's time to rise again. Anyone want to come with me?
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George F. Jenkins
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Post by George F. Jenkins »

I had a cure for bullying Jon, don't say anything or argue. A punch on the nose, and don't hold back. I found that the tough He-man bullies would then find easier targets. As a friend said to me when we were being hollered at from across the road, "they don't know what you are like". Of course, it was my fault that I was bullied, (only once). I was a pretty little boy with deep wavy hair, and no doubt irresistible to bullies. Reading these posts disgusted me. These people don't blame themselves for their depression. Am I right to assume that drugs are involved with some of them. Also, their obscene language diminishes them.
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Robert Baxter
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Post by Robert Baxter »

Matt Morrison wrote:An absolutely fantastic post Andy. I wish I could add more. It's that old adage about ignorance being bliss. The more you think, the harder it is to accept. I have often wondered whether life would be better if you didn't have the intelligence to question soceity and see its wrongs, if you were one of those young drivers with no respect, one of those racist pikies taking the piss out of a curry merchant. Look at them all, they seem pretty happy, the fucking cunts.
Look who's talking :o
Contestant: Continent please, Rachel.
Rachel: Y.
Contestant: Because I want one!

For more info, see , and don't have a go at me a the F1 drivers series.

The 86th postingest forummer.

And I'm a :ugeek:.
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Post by Robert Baxter »

Here's something I suffer from.

Tip: Avoid Matt Morrison and Michael Wallace. :|
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James Doohan
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Post by James Doohan »

George F. Jenkins wrote:I had a cure for bullying Jon, don't say anything or argue. A punch on the nose, and don't hold back. I found that the tough He-man bullies would then find easier targets. As a friend said to me when we were being hollered at from across the road, "they don't know what you are like". Of course, it was my fault that I was bullied, (only once). I was a pretty little boy with deep wavy hair, and no doubt irresistible to bullies. Reading these posts disgusted me. These people don't blame themselves for their depression. Am I right to assume that drugs are involved with some of them. Also, their obscene language diminishes them.
What a beacon of joy you are
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Charlie Reams
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Post by Charlie Reams »

Matt Morrison wrote:I've had many frustrated philosophical middle-of-the-night heated chats with close friends (usually when high, you just don't care enough when drunk) about the decline of our society.
Decline from what, though? There was never a time when some people weren't anti-social, obnoxious, racist or whatever.
David O'Donnell
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Post by David O'Donnell »

Charlie Reams wrote:
Matt Morrison wrote:I've had many frustrated philosophical middle-of-the-night heated chats with close friends (usually when high, you just don't care enough when drunk) about the decline of our society.
Decline from what, though? There was never a time when some people weren't anti-social, obnoxious, racist or whatever.
Good point! I remember doing a history module, as an undergrad, comparing the literature about chivalry in the mediaeval age and comparing it with the court rolls of Dyffryn Clwyd (around the 1300s). The types of crimes being committed included theft, assault, carnal violation. Admittedly, there wasn't a lot of Internet fraud so Matt may have a point.
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Lesley Hines
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Post by Lesley Hines »

Charlie Reams wrote:
Matt Morrison wrote:I've had many frustrated philosophical middle-of-the-night heated chats with close friends (usually when high, you just don't care enough when drunk) about the decline of our society.
Decline from what, though? There was never a time when some people weren't anti-social, obnoxious, racist or whatever.
In some ways you're right, but in other ways I disagree. People have always been people since the dawn of humanity, that's certainly true, and we're also all only a natural disaster away from being animals in the, er, animalistic sense. I do think though that there's an increasing degree of dissatisfaction in society than can be attributed to all sorts of things.

Robin Dunbar (among others) did some work about humans, the neocortex and group size and found the optimal number of people in a social human network to be about 150, which holds true for most people. However, the Industrial Revolution precipitated massive migrations into cities as machinery replaced traditional roles and forced rural people into cities to find work, creating networks where it was possible for people to live together in incredibly close proximity, but also exacerbating anti-social behaviours that would previously have been dealt with more locally, and more personally. It's difficult to be convicted of racism if the limit of your experience is the 150ish people in the village you've lived in all your life, for example. Throw into the mix mass media with its constant reports of global disasters, war, political, sociological, economic, etc. problems and there's some real desensitisation going on towards fellow members of the race.

I guess it's easy to treat people with contempt if they mean nothing to you, whereas tosspots' behaviour would be markedly different towards their friends.

I'm not saying anything's right, or wrong either for that matter, I'm just suggesting a possible why :)
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Post by Ryan Taylor »

This topic is fuel for DoD.
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Jon Corby
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Post by Jon Corby »

Ryan Taylor wrote:This topic is fuel for DoD.
Oh yeah, that'll help the depression no end.
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Charlie Reams
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Post by Charlie Reams »

Lesley Hines wrote: Robin Dunbar (among others) did some work about humans, the neocortex and group size and found the optimal number of people in a social human network to be about 150, which holds true for most people. However, the Industrial Revolution precipitated massive migrations into cities as machinery replaced traditional roles and forced rural people into cities to find work, creating networks where it was possible for people to live together in incredibly close proximity, but also exacerbating anti-social behaviours that would previously have been dealt with more locally, and more personally. It's difficult to be convicted of racism if the limit of your experience is the 150ish people in the village you've lived in all your life, for example. Throw into the mix mass media with its constant reports of global disasters, war, political, sociological, economic, etc. problems and there's some real desensitisation going on towards fellow members of the race.
I see what you mean, but my perception is that pre-industrialisation people had greater things to worry about than abuse of shopkeepers, petty vandalism and other things that we now consider anti-social. Even if those things happened as much or more than they do now, it's hardly worth fretting about them when your life expectancy is 35. I'm not sure, my historical knowledge is pretty sketchy and mainly acquired from Blackadder. But my real point is that only Howard amongst us was alive before the Industrial Revolution so it's not like we would've seen that decline for ourselves. I don't know what timescale Matthew William was talking about, so I'll wait for him to reply.
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Charlie Reams wrote:my historical knowledge is pretty sketchy and mainly acquired from Blackadder

Ag gáire ar an úrlár, (or is it tÚrlár?) - anyway, it's ROFL as gaeilge.
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Post by Matt Morrison »

Charlie Reams wrote:I don't know what [...] Matthew William was talking about, so I'll wait for him to reply.
Just got up, straight out for the day, sorry. Will endeavour to reply this evening with proper thoughts.

But in the meantime...
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Matt Morrison
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Post by Matt Morrison »

Robert Baxter wrote:cunt
Do you kiss your mother with those lips?
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George F. Jenkins
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Post by George F. Jenkins »

James Doohan wrote:
George F. Jenkins wrote:I had a cure for bullying Jon, don't say anything or argue. A punch on the nose, and don't hold back. I found that the tough He-man bullies would then find easier targets. As a friend said to me when we were being hollered at from across the road, "they don't know what you are like". Of course, it was my fault that I was bullied, (only once). I was a pretty little boy with deep wavy hair, and no doubt irresistible to bullies. Reading these posts disgusted me. These people don't blame themselves for their depression. Am I right to assume that drugs are involved with some of them. Also, their obscene language diminishes them.
What a beacon of joy you are[/quote
Quite right James, and very contented as most people are. We don't need drugs or foul language to express ourselves, and when it is used, the subject or argument is lost.
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James Doohan
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Post by James Doohan »

George F. Jenkins wrote: Quite right James, and very contented as most people are. We don't need drugs or foul language to express ourselves, and when it is used, the subject or argument is lost.
Aren't you lucky that your life is so perfect. Some of your attitudes remind me a lot of some of the troglodytes that live in this country, you should visit, you may like it
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Post by Jon O'Neill »

James Doohan wrote:
George F. Jenkins wrote: Quite right James, and very contented as most people are. We don't need drugs or foul language to express ourselves, and when it is used, the subject or argument is lost.
Aren't you lucky that your life is so perfect. Some of your attitudes remind me a lot of some of the troglodytes that live in this country, you should visit, you may like it
What, Algeria?
Ryan Taylor
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Post by Ryan Taylor »

WTF are the dunphies?
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James Doohan
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Post by James Doohan »

Ryan Taylor wrote:WTF are the dunphies?
Eamon Dunphy, Irish Soccer Pundit
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

George, unfortunately I need drugs (mainly alcohol) to express myself. I've grown up into a society where expressing one's innermost deepest feelings would get me a black eye and or called a faggot. Now, an adult, I still find them hard to talk about but a few drinks and a new place and people and a first smoke off a spliff in a few days brought them speeding to the surface.

I was drunk/high again on Monday night when I started this sh!t. If i'd have been sober I would have kept those feelings bottled up for fear i'd upset someone.

That sketch plays Dunphy in the same setting as Roy Keane's brilliant post walk out interview in world cup 2002. During the same world cup, Eamon, who went on to write Keane's brutally honest book, got hammered and arrived at work, tired and emotional. "I arrived for work tired and emotional, I think is the euphemism and I was tired. I'd had a few drinks, I hadn't slept and I think wasn't fit to fulfil my contract".

Got a decent night's sleep last night and i'm gonna try lay off the sauce today and do the same tonight. I think I should be back to normal after that, afraid to say what I really think and putting up with all the usual bullshit again. :)
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Jon Corby
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Post by Jon Corby »

Have you tried
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

"Emotionally unstable alcoholic drug user seeks someone to rant to when he comes home from the pub because the guys on C4C are getting a bit sick of it."
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Jon Corby
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Post by Jon Corby »

Andy Wilson wrote:"Emotionally unstable alcoholic drug user seeks someone to rant to when he comes home from the pub because the guys on C4C are getting a bit sick of it." has found over 8 billion possible matches in your area! Subscribe now to view them all for just £19.99 and find out how we managed to tell you that lie whilst not leaving ourselves open to any kind of legal action.
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Robert Baxter
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Post by Robert Baxter »

Matt Morrison wrote:
Robert Baxter wrote:cunt
Do you kiss your mother with those lips?
What he meant was:
Matt Morrison wrote:cunt
But I might go if you hate me :cry: .
Contestant: Continent please, Rachel.
Rachel: Y.
Contestant: Because I want one!

For more info, see , and don't have a go at me a the F1 drivers series.

The 86th postingest forummer.

And I'm a :ugeek:.
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Charlie Reams
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Post by Charlie Reams »

Andy Wilson wrote:"Emotionally unstable alcoholic drug user seeks someone to rant to when he comes home from the pub because the guys on C4C are getting a bit sick of it."
I for one am not sick of it. Anything that aggravates George Jenkins is clearly on the right track.
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Post by Ryan Taylor »

Charlie Reams wrote:
Andy Wilson wrote:"Emotionally unstable alcoholic drug user seeks someone to rant to when he comes home from the pub because the guys on C4C are getting a bit sick of it."
I for one am not sick of it. Anything that aggravates George Jenkins is clearly on the right track.
That's my joke. :evil:
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Matt Morrison
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Post by Matt Morrison »

David O'Donnell wrote:
Charlie Reams wrote:
Matt Morrison wrote:I've had many frustrated philosophical middle-of-the-night heated chats with close friends (usually when high, you just don't care enough when drunk) about the decline of our society.
Decline from what, though? There was never a time when some people weren't anti-social, obnoxious, racist or whatever.
Good point! I remember doing a history module, as an undergrad, comparing the literature about chivalry in the mediaeval age and comparing it with the court rolls of Dyffryn Clwyd (around the 1300s). The types of crimes being committed included theft, assault, carnal violation. Admittedly, there wasn't a lot of Internet fraud so Matt may have a point.
Yeah, I agree that 'decline' might not be the most appropriate word to use. I also think my thoughts here might be hard to express but I'll give it a go. That is the point though - MY thoughts. I appreciate that I know nothing really of history, sociology, anthropology, my thoughts and feelings on said 'decline' come from personal experience.

What I'm talking about are pikies, not gypsy pikies, but your average townie/chav pikies. The scummy end of working class. And I'm allowed to bring classes into this because that's where I came from. But coming from a poor council house family doesn't condemn you forever if you've got a lovely and intelligent mum like I do, that dragged me out of that shit before I grew up. Oh god, I can already feel like I'm not even going to be able to make a point here.

Basically, all I meant is that as I have seen it the chav problem is getting worse. The area of Winchester I grew up was getting steadily dirtier until Mum took me away from my chavvy Dad and his family and saved my ass. We moved to Dorset, a wonderful little village called Sixpenny Handley - just as you'd imagine a Dorset village - quaint, elderly, leafy (and other such cliches) - just lovely. Then a new estate was built at the bottom of the village, given over to council housing, and so it began. As the village has gradually got bigger (not loads bigger but a bit bigger) the pikey population has grown at a rate far exceeding the village's growth. Now there's a selection of underage mums pushing pushchairs and shouting "get back in your fucking pram, Armani", and cunty little tearaways abuse the elderly villagefolk, vandalise and graffiti and sit on the benches around the village drinking cider. It's been a horrible transformation to watch. That's all, just my experience. And just of the areas I have lived in. I guess today's underage mums and abusive chavvy children are yesteryear's street children and sex workers, but just in my own opinion I do see more chav scum than I remember ever seeing when I was younger. I feel like I'm one of Ryan's Daily Mail-reading buddies, but I'm not, honest.
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Post by Jon O'Neill »

You're George Jenkins II.
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Nice to hear that opinion Matt. Standards have definitely slipped. Values are being forgotten. This affects us in ways that we don't see. A big problem here is the lack of community (that went with the Catholic church's relatively recent demise and the advent of the celtic tiger and the new generation of renters). Now many people don't know their neighbours. That's a problem. More than people realise.

Other things that bother me...

We need less repetition of our favourite funny tv show lines and more original humorous thought.
We need less bombardment of commercial advertising and more room for educational messages. I don't care if coke is the real thing... tell me something real and useful...
Beyonce parading her tits to the 12 year olds that idolise her is simply wrong.
We are not idiots... lets stop breeding the intelligence out of ourselves and sort this fucking mess out!
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Michael Wallace
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Post by Michael Wallace »

Andy Wilson wrote:We need less bombardment of commercial advertising and more room for educational messages. I don't care if coke is the real thing... tell me something real and useful...
I've often thought it would be cool if places where lots of waiting happens, like bus stops, or being on hold, were used to help people learn stuff. Like if I was on hold I'd much rather just hear a list of countries and capitals (or something else that's easy/quick to record and you can drop in and out of) than the Four Seasons with terrible sound quality. A similar thing could happen at the hairdressers if you don't want to chat (or, as seems to always happen with me, the hairdresser doesn't want to chat).
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Post by Jon O'Neill »

Alright, I don't understand depression or anything like that so I haven't commented so far, but this is the most full-of-shit thread on the whole of c4c, and I include all of Robert Baxter's threads in that.

c4c's not like it used to be. Standards have slipped.
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Michael Wallace
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Post by Michael Wallace »

Jon O'Neill wrote:Alright, I don't understand depression or anything like that so I haven't commented so far, but this is the most full-of-shit thread on the whole of c4c, and I include all of Robert Baxter's threads in that.

c4c's not like it used to be. Standards have slipped.
What, including my awesome "learn capital cities while you're on hold" idea? :(
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Post by Jon O'Neill »

Michael Wallace wrote:
Jon O'Neill wrote:Alright, I don't understand depression or anything like that so I haven't commented so far, but this is the most full-of-shit thread on the whole of c4c, and I include all of Robert Baxter's threads in that.

c4c's not like it used to be. Standards have slipped.
What, including my awesome "learn capital cities while you're on hold" idea? :(
That awful idea was the straw that broke the camel's back.
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Michael Wallace
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Post by Michael Wallace »

Jon O'Neill wrote:
Michael Wallace wrote:
Jon O'Neill wrote:Alright, I don't understand depression or anything like that so I haven't commented so far, but this is the most full-of-shit thread on the whole of c4c, and I include all of Robert Baxter's threads in that.

c4c's not like it used to be. Standards have slipped.
What, including my awesome "learn capital cities while you're on hold" idea? :(
That awful idea was the straw that broke the camel's back.
:( :( :(

(I'll see you in the suicide thread :( :( :( )
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Michael Wallace wrote: it would be cool if places where lots of waiting happens, like bus stops, or being on hold, were used to help people learn stuff
Simply great idea.
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Ben Hunter
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Post by Ben Hunter »

I really have no problem with underage mums and street children, in fact I let street children in my house when they're bored... I'm probably responsible for the societal decline as described in this thread.
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Karen Pearson
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Post by Karen Pearson »

Andy Wilson wrote:
Michael Wallace wrote: it would be cool if places where lots of waiting happens, like bus stops, or being on hold, were used to help people learn stuff
Simply great idea.
^ What he said. But then I am the person who bought a poster of world flags for her office wall so that she would improve at flag recognition.
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Jon O'Neill wrote:Alright, I don't understand depression or anything like that so I haven't commented so far, but this is the most full-of-shit thread on the whole of c4c
If you want to lock it go ahead. I'm a bit embarrassed about being so open anyway to be honest.
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Jon O'Neill
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Post by Jon O'Neill »

Andy Wilson wrote:
Jon O'Neill wrote:Alright, I don't understand depression or anything like that so I haven't commented so far, but this is the most full-of-shit thread on the whole of c4c
If you want to lock it go ahead. I'm a bit embarrassed about being so open anyway to be honest.
I was speaking as a forumite, not a moderator. I think I'm just too positive a person for this thread.
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Jon O'Neill
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Post by Jon O'Neill »

Karen Pearson wrote:
Andy Wilson wrote:
Michael Wallace wrote: it would be cool if places where lots of waiting happens, like bus stops, or being on hold, were used to help people learn stuff
Simply great idea.
^ What he said. But then I am the person who bought a poster of world flags for her office wall so that she would improve at flag recognition.
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Jon O'Neill wrote:I think I'm just too positive a person for this thread.
I'm actually a fairly positive bloke too believe it or not. I suppose I probably have a few more things pissing me off than you, which I guess makes you lucky. Definitely don't want to be wrecking people's heads and definitely don't want to turn myself into a misery guts trying to fix things over which I have no control, but I really do appreciate the chance to get some of this off my chest!

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Ben Hunter
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Better than Apterous.
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Jon O'Neill
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Post by Jon O'Neill »

Ben Hunter wrote:
Better than Apterous.
They are both like children to me. It would be difficult for me to say which I am more proud of.
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Charlie Reams
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Post by Charlie Reams »

Michael Wallace wrote:
Andy Wilson wrote:We need less bombardment of commercial advertising and more room for educational messages. I don't care if coke is the real thing... tell me something real and useful...
I've often thought it would be cool if places where lots of waiting happens, like bus stops, or being on hold, were used to help people learn stuff. Like if I was on hold I'd much rather just hear a list of countries and capitals (or something else that's easy/quick to record and you can drop in and out of) than the Four Seasons with terrible sound quality. A similar thing could happen at the hairdressers if you don't want to chat (or, as seems to always happen with me, the hairdresser doesn't want to chat).
At Google (DID I MENTION I WORK AT GOOGLE????), they have educational materials above all the urinals. It's a large-print side of A4 (well, probably US Letter), which is just about the amount I can read on a full bladder, and they get updated every few days. It works pretty well although I guess you need the kind of audience that can pee while reading without wet-shoe incidents.
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Jon Corby
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Post by Jon Corby »

Charlie Reams wrote:
Michael Wallace wrote:
Andy Wilson wrote:We need less bombardment of commercial advertising and more room for educational messages. I don't care if coke is the real thing... tell me something real and useful...
I've often thought it would be cool if places where lots of waiting happens, like bus stops, or being on hold, were used to help people learn stuff. Like if I was on hold I'd much rather just hear a list of countries and capitals (or something else that's easy/quick to record and you can drop in and out of) than the Four Seasons with terrible sound quality. A similar thing could happen at the hairdressers if you don't want to chat (or, as seems to always happen with me, the hairdresser doesn't want to chat).
At Google (DID I MENTION I WORK AT GOOGLE????), they have educational materials above all the urinals. It's a large-print side of A4 (well, probably US Letter), which is just about the amount I can read on a full bladder, and they get updated every few days. It works pretty well although I guess you need the kind of audience that can pee while reading without wet-shoe incidents.
Meanwhile, in the toilets at my place of work today there was an inch and a half long piece of poo on the wall about a foot from the actual bowl. I don't stand a chance.
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Charlie Reams
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Post by Charlie Reams »

Jon Corby wrote:an inch and a half long piece of poo on the wall about a foot from the actual bowl
Robert Baxter gets everywhere these days.
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