How fit are you?

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Mark James
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How fit are you?

Post by Mark James »

Not how good looking are you, do you keep in shape? I used to work in a leisure centre and would do 20 lengths of the pool a day but I've been unemployed now for two years and my fitness is shot to pieces. I climbed the Sugar Loaf, a mountain in the Wicklow mountains in Ireland, at the weekend and was in bits during and after. There was a three year old kid there who had also climbed it with no bother to them and that made me depressed. Tried to do some chin-ups the other day too, I used to be able to do 20 or 30, but I couldn't even do two. I have a gym membership but if I go it's straight in to the Jacuzzi or steam room. We have a rowing machine at home so I've started back on that today. Hopefully I can keep it up but I was wondering how everyone else does in the keep fit department.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Jon O'Neill »

I play Sunday league football on Sunday morning. I don't warm up or down. Then after I go for a kick-about for a few hours with school mates.

Monday - Wednesday my quads, hamstrings, chest muscles, triceps etc. are all strained so I can't exercise.

Thursday evening I play football in goal at Goals. I strain all my chest and arm muscles.

Friday and Saturday I eat and drink extravagantly.

I play Sunday league football on Sunday morning.

Et cetera. I'm never fit.
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Craig Beevers
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Craig Beevers »

I'm in okay shape. I do a lot of walking and will do a Coast to Coast walk in a few weeks so will see after that I guess - will do plenty of walking/camping before and after that too. I do a few exercises 6 times a week, do 40 or so push-ups, a lower ab and upper ab exercise, do some bicep curls and an exercise with a bar (does the lower back/shoulders/thighs). Couldn't jog/run for toffee, I run out of oxygen rather quickly so can only do short sprints or a very slow jog. Do some of the hula hoop stuff on Wii Fit too every now and then.

I do have a rowing machine elsewhere but don't have space for it around here yet. In 3 months The Billingham Forum should be re-opened, that has an ice rink, swimming pool, theatre, gym, indoor sports etc. Can't wait. I play cricket occasionally as it is but it's a bit of a faff on, I'd much rather go walking or play sport than do gym-esque things.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Dinos Sfyris »

I'd say I'm fairly fit but more from the effort I put in than the actual results I get out, if that makes any sense? I play footie and hit the gym usually twice a week each. I'm not really a cardio master nor do I possess much skillz with a football but that doesn't stop me from getting stuck in and triumphing an odd goal here and there.

Also I beat a hurdler on the krypton factor assault course even with her 45 second head start, but most of that I put down to pure dumb luck. I always think to myself that I'm not really that good at anything, and that everyone is probably a lot better than me at stuff but they just don't try as hard!
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Charlie Reams »

Craig Beevers wrote:Do some of the hula hoop stuff on Wii Fit too every now and then.
Vid please!

I'm the fattest I've ever been, it's depressing. In all seriousness I don't know how people bother with exercising.
Gavin Chipper
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Gavin Chipper »

I go on my bike when the weather's good. I must be well fit.
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Ben Wilson
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Ben Wilson »

I'm a full eight pounds lighter than I was at Christmas time (though with a week off work I'm certain to have regained a few) but I wouldn't exactly describe myself as fit. I can quite happily walk about seven miles at the drop of a hat but jogging even a quarter of a mile would flatten me, paradoxically.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Soph K »

I sometimes play Tig (or Tag, as most people call it) at break/play time. I sometimes walk to school, and normally from school. I almost always walk to Guides, and most of the time I walk back too. I do Netball club each Thursday for 50 minutes, which is at, organised by and after school and occasionally I walk home afterwards. I do Orchestra too, and again, rarely walk home from there; also, as I play the violin in Orchestra, I am kind of exercising my arms. At home, I normally play the keyboard - I teach myself, don't have lessons and don't do exams: I just play the keyboard for the fun of it - which, also, is sort of exercising my arms.
I reckon I'm pretty fit and healthy. I could improve by walking to school a lot more, and to do that, all I have to do is wake up 10 minutes earlier. Also, I am not an awfully big eater - but not exactly what I'd call a small eater either - so I could try to eat a bit more; to avoid getting chubby, I could go on my running machine more. I did do a few sponsered miles on the running machine a few months ago, to raise money for Haiti's terrible earthquake, only stopping, only for a drink, once. As well as this, I am doing another sponsered run on the running machine for Japan's devastating earthquake and tsunami...well, I am in the middle of it.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Ryan Taylor »

Aged 8-12 I swam a hell of a lot and down to this I was the fittest person at my football club and one of the fittest in the school year. I remember winning the sponsored 'walk' when I was in year 4, ahead of all people running it in the years above even though the teachers insisted "it wasn't a race!". The sponsored walk was about 4 miles in length and I could run it pretty fast. I also used to sweep up the 1st places for the Red Team at Sports Day and won 100m, shuttle run and 400m with ease so I was pretty pacey.

Even when I went to secondary school and had packed in the swimming I still had enough fitness to finishing highly (3rd out of 300 people) in the cross country run. As I got older though all I was doing was exercise at the weekend in the form of training then Sunday league match (and even then I am a goalkeeper so it wasn't too tiring).

Now I do no exercise whatsoever, well, other than the walk to uni and the walk for my Daily Mail each day. Apart from this I binge drink on Wednesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's and eat what would be considered junk food. I still somehow maintain a very thin and anorexic figure though which always surprises me.

It does sadden me that I used to be so athletic but now spend my days either watching TV, sitting on my laptop and eating. But then like Charlie says, I honestly can't be arsed with exercise and am much happier just being a lazy shite for now.
Oliver Garner
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Oliver Garner »

Thanks to middle-distance running (club level with my highest placing at a county championship being 4th), I am fairly aerobically fit. I used to play a lot of football, but my ball control skills are pretty poor nowadays. Incidentally, a guy in my class at school plays in the Norwich City academy and played last night for Northern Ireland U16 on SS2.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Phil Reynolds »

Ryan Taylor wrote:Now I do no exercise whatsoever, well, other than the walk to uni and the walk for my Daily Mail each day. Apart from this I binge drink on Wednesday's, Thursday's and Saturday's and eat what would be considered junk food. I still somehow maintain a very thin and anorexic figure though which always surprises me.
Reading the Daily Mail probably has a lot to do with it, being an activity that generally induces copious vomiting.
Mark James
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Mark James »

Ben Wilson wrote:I'm a full eight pounds lighter than I was at Christmas time (though with a week off work I'm certain to have regained a few) but I wouldn't exactly describe myself as fit. I can quite happily walk about seven miles at the drop of a hat but jogging even a quarter of a mile would flatten me, paradoxically.
I'm totally the same. After I had climbed the mountain my friend dropped me off in Bray and, even though the climb knackered me, I walked up and down the promenade and around the town no bother to me. I love walking, just not vertically it seems.
As for Christmas, for years and years I would put on half a stone over the two week period around Christmas but it would be gone within a month. It didn't go this year.
Also when I was working I used to drink six cans of cider every day after work and more at the weekend, and I used to smoke say between 10 to 20 joints daily too. These days I don't smoke at all and only drink once a week, if even and yet I'm more unfit now than I ever was. That's the difference even a little bit of exercise can make.
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Charlie Reams
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Charlie Reams »

Mark James wrote: I used to smoke say between 10 to 20 joints daily too
Jesus! I presume you're not 44 or over.
Mark James
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Mark James »

Charlie Reams wrote:
Mark James wrote: I used to smoke say between 10 to 20 joints daily too
Jesus! I presume you're not 44 or over.
Haha. On reflection I should have just said at least ten a day. I'm sure I have smoked twenty, if not more, in a day, but those days would have been few and far between. Although you have reminded me that Lesley never did get back to us with a source for that 44 figure.
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Phil Reynolds
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Phil Reynolds »

Mark James wrote:I used to smoke say between 10 to 20 joints daily too. These days I don't smoke at all
And you wonder why travelling vertically isn't as easy as it was. :roll:
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Lesley Hines
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Lesley Hines »

Mark James wrote:
Charlie Reams wrote:
Mark James wrote: I used to smoke say between 10 to 20 joints daily too
Jesus! I presume you're not 44 or over.
Haha. On reflection I should have just said at least ten a day. I'm sure I have smoked twenty, if not more, in a day, but those days would have been few and far between. Although you have reminded me that Lesley never did get back to us with a source for that 44 figure.
Oooo you're right! I'd forgotten all about that too (life exploded a bit, between Cheltenham and World Book Day). It's one of those things I'd heard and can't remember the source and then tends to stick in your mind forever more as fact without giving it any further consideration. I remembered hearing it at Uni (I read Medicinal Chemistry), but that could have been in a lecture or, more likely, in the bar / late-night stoned debate / Euan the wind-up merchant PhD student / and if it was in a lecture it was probably from the same guy that was adamant cot death = infanticide ( :evil: ). Anyway, having scoured the internet I couldn't find any reliable source whatsoever, so I'm happy to retract that one. I really should go back to that debate tho it was interesting :)
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Adam Gillard
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Adam Gillard »

Relatively. Did the Silverstone Arfmarafon the other week in under 2 hours, but that was my first foray into marathon running and I haven't done much proper running since. But I am quite hyperactive and generally run between train stations and home / university, sometimes going a different route because there's some walls to vault, which is always fun, if a little painful when it goes wrong - sometimes I see myself as an aspiring but failing traceur (which hasn't made it into ODE3 despite PARKOUR (and PARCOUR) being in). I want to do more arfmarafon(s) this year and improve my time to 1:45 or better, so I'd better make sure I'm fitter for that.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Michael Wallace »

CF and I joined a gym in January, because we never do any exercise, so it seemed like a good way to try and reduce our risk of dying. I don't really like gyms (I'd much rather just go for a run outdoors), but am somewhat limited in my options because I'm a spaz, so we do that 3 times a week which seems to be having a slight effect. Definitely wouldn't say I'm 'fit', but hopefully slightly fitter than I was.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Matt Morrison »

I think a CoJuana would be amazing. If I didn't have to rush off now I'd like to start a thread and see who's up for it, and who from the Countdown scene you'd most like to see all red-eyed and giggling to themselves in the corner.
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Phil Reynolds
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Phil Reynolds »

I walk for about 30 minutes a day, which my doctor tells me doesn't count because it's in two 15-minute chunks - to and from town - and apparently you have to walk for 30 minutes continuously to get any benefit. Apart from that I get no exercise whatsoever unless you count the one-handed sort. I used to belong to a gym but (a) it was expensive and (b) it didn't seem to be having any effect - probably because I spent more time in the changing room eying up the totty than actually exercising - so I stopped going (a decision I regret slightly, but only because Russell Howard is now a regular at the gym I used to go to).

That said, I'm only slightly overweight; and I rarely get ill, unlike my other half who runs, cycles and goes to the gym and yet seems to be constantly going down with coughs, colds and any other viral infection doing the rounds. (He does get to ogle Russ in the shower though.)
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Peter Mabey »

Having just passed 85, had my annual check today - nurse was quite satisfied. Blood test good, cholesterol only just above average, PSA OK, though pulse was slow enough to need opinion from GP, as I occasionally have a dizzy moment. (He checked my records and found it has always been like that. :) )
I don't exercise much as 15 minutes or so walking leaves me needing a rest when out shopping - I am on 4 varieties of medication to keep my heart in order. I've never smoked, and a bottle of wine usually lasts me about a week, though I also enjoy the occasional tot of whisky :D
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Matt Morrison
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Re: How fit are you?

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Phil Reynolds wrote:my other half who runs, cycles and goes to the gym and yet seems to be constantly going down
I just don't know how he finds the time.
Eoin Monaghan
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Eoin Monaghan »

I play gaelic on Monday nights, with matches on a Thursday. I play soccer on Tuesdays, with matches on a Saturday. I also have PE on Tuesday, which usually consists of gaelic or soccer. As well as soccer at lunchtime, I generally try to go outside and play football everyday.
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Brian Moore
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Brian Moore »

Charlie Reams wrote:In all seriousness I don't know how people bother with exercising.
For me it's a mixture of enjoying the actual feeling of the exercise itself (I'm a swimmer and road cyclist - I like the sensation of being in water and of going fast under my own steam), and of being able to eat enormous amounts of food without getting fat. But I think it's the sensation bit that makes the difference: I've always hated the feeling of running (and I'm no good at it), so don't do it. And in any case, I can go much faster on the bike (off for an 80-mile spin in a few minutes), and it doesn't bugger up my knees.
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Craig Beevers
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Craig Beevers »

Brian Moore wrote:
Charlie Reams wrote:In all seriousness I don't know how people bother with exercising.
For me it's a mixture of enjoying the actual feeling of the exercise itself (I'm a swimmer and road cyclist - I like the sensation of being in water and of going fast under my own steam), and of being able to eat enormous amounts of food without getting fat. But I think it's the sensation bit that makes the difference: I've always hated the feeling of running (and I'm no good at it), so don't do it. And in any case, I can go much faster on the bike (off for an 80-mile spin in a few minutes), and it doesn't bugger up my knees.
Yea I'm the same with running, can't stand it. I used to jog/run back from my walks out to a local park. Running flat out was okay but jogging anything other than really slowly was just horrible. I can happily run about playing football or whatever and it's quite easy then and you're not thinking about it.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Andy Wilson »

I bought a road bike almost 2 years ago with the intention of using it for long cycles and to date have gone outside the city on it only twice. The second time was today, when I got up early and put on the cycle shorts n stuff for the first time (a big step!) and ventured off towards Inniscarra Dam (probably only 10-15k, maybe 20) and back. Pretty happy with that. Nothing like the 80 miles brian mentioned but I didn't want to wreck myself with rehearsals this afternoon and it being a first time out this year. Gonna try make it a regular thing now.

I'm with Michael in that I've never liked gyms and much prefer to run out in the open but it is quite hard on the legs. Have to say, although there were some tricky little hills, that cycle was a lot more fun than the running i used to do as a kid (between age 13 and 16 i was training 6 days a week - I was a fairly serious cross country runner). In fact, it was thoroughly enjoyable. I suppose I was gone for about an hour and a half, maybe two, i took it fairly handy. Feel like i did something positive too and it's not even midday yet. Yesterday I was still in bed at this time. Yay. I will get a pair of proper running shoes and do a bit of that also, but I can see this cycling thing becoming a serious enough pastime.

P.S. - well unfit.
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Re: How fit are you?

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Andy Wilson wrote:I can see this cycling thing becoming a serious enough pastime.
Back from my spin...

It's certainly got me a bit addicted, this road cycling lark. Apart from commuting (for which I have a fairly crap road bike), which saves me both time and loads of money, the real joy is being able to explore Devon on a wonderful piece of machinery and get pretty fit at the same time. (Devon has got 8,000 miles of roads, so I won't run out of ones to explore any time soon.) Once I got myself a cycling computer, and realised that I was pretty fast (I did my 79 miles this morning at 19.3mph), trying to go further and faster is a good incentive to get out there. The other thing that got me properly into it was getting the right gear: having resisted for so long, preferring T-shirts and ordinary shorts as an anti-lycra statement, once I tried out the proper stuff there was no turning back - it makes the whole experience much more comfortable. I started off on 20-mile rides down to Budleigh Salterton for a swim last Summer, but soon did a 45-mile ride across Dartmoor to visit friends, and since then have done about 3,500 miles on the bike.

I do hope you can get into it, Andy, and get as much out of it as I'm getting. I imagine that you've got some lovely scenery once you get out into the countryside, and with the Summer on the way, what better way to spend an hour or three?
Lee Kelly
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Lee Kelly »

gaelic on a tues nd thurs and a match on,, play soccer as well usually on a friday.. surprisinly quite fit despite my beer belly and smoking habbit!
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Andy Wilson
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Andy Wilson »

Nice one Brian. Awesome bike. Mine looks pretty flash to the non biker but beside yours it looks like a bmx ... tDefy4.jpg

I might hit you up for some advice some time. I do need to get some more gear, shoes etc any i was sh!ttin myself i'd get a flat yesterday and have to spend half an hour trying to replace a tube, or, puncture the fresh one like i did last time so I need to gain experience in that regard. You should cycle over here for the jazz festival so and we can get drunk, play/listen to music and go on an epic cycle.

PS - Just cycled to the shops and couldn't sit down on the bike after yesterday :oops:
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Ryan Taylor »

Andy Wilson wrote:PS - Just cycled to the shops and couldn't sit down on the bike after yesterday :oops:
Rough night, eh?
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Brian Moore
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Brian Moore »

Andy Wilson wrote:Nice one Brian. Awesome bike. Mine looks pretty flash to the non biker but beside yours it looks like a bmx ... tDefy4.jpg
Oops, that's my commuting bike. It's OK, but then my posh bike did cost six times as much, and that was £1000 off list price. I'm afraid I treat my Defy 4 very badly. Breakdown maintenance mostly.
I might hit you up for some advice some time. I do need to get some more gear, shoes etc any i was sh!ttin myself i'd get a flat yesterday and have to spend half an hour trying to replace a tube, or, puncture the fresh one like i did last time so I need to gain experience in that regard. You should cycle over here for the jazz festival so and we can get drunk, play/listen to music and go on an epic cycle.
Sure - I'm no expert and don't go for the flash stuff (it's mind-boggling what people will spend on clothes & accessories), but I've got stuff that works. I've got a little under-saddle bag in which I keep the essentials (two spare inner tubes, tyre levers, allen keys) for emergency repairs. (It's worth practising changing an inner tube at home - shouldn't take more than 5 minutes).

Jazz/cycling/ginger beer (I'm off the booze these days) sounds like a heady mix ... seriously tempting, though I have a nasty feeling I'll be working on exactly the days it'll happen. I can't see what dates it's going to happen in 2011 yet...
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Andy Wilson
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Andy Wilson »

Brian Moore wrote:I have a fairly crap road bike
Oh no you didn't. Yup, well one sixth of the cost of yours was even more than I really had planned to spend. Should have maybe gone second hand. The frame is also too big for me. I had a smash a year and a half ago and broke a bloody finger. I think i'm gonna go back to the original dealer and ask for a smaller bracket for the handlebars. Just as a matter of interest, if your defy was in decent nick, how much faster would you do your 80 miles stretch on the beast?
Last edited by Andy Wilson on Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Andy Wilson »

Oh, and while i'm not sure I want to go cycling with you anymore :D , it's always on the October bank holiday, so it'll be the 28,29,30,31 October, which is deadly, as the last day of the festival, when it's usually dying down, will be hallowe'en night.
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Brian Moore
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Brian Moore »

Andy Wilson wrote:Just as a matter of interest, if you defy was in decent nick, how much faster would you do your 80 miles stretch on the beast?
Dunno - guess one or two mph, but I suspect it would be more a question of stamina, as I'd probably try to keep up the speed and then run out of steam earlier. I think it's about 3kgs heavier than my Cannondale (which weighs about 7.5kg), so it will make a difference on the climbs in particular. (In Devon, that's quite a consideration, as, for instance, yesterday's ride had 5,600ft of climbing.)

It put the price differential into perspective when I realised that the wheels alone on the posh bike cost about the same as the Defy 4 complete. But I figured that if I was going to achieve anything reasonable cycling-wise, I needed to do some serious stuff in the next few years (I'm 47), and I might as well get a decent bit of kit and enjoy it to the full while I'm able to.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Andy Wilson »

Cool. Well - deadly, glad to know you're into it and hope you don't mind if I hit you up for advice some time. I was coming around a corner just after I got back into town yesterday morning and I bumped into a musician I know on his racer in full clobber, who has only been at it five months himself. We could form a band and we wouldn't need a bus!
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Brian Moore »

Andy Wilson wrote:hope you don't mind if I hit you up for advice some time.
Yeah, no problem, I'd be glad to help if I can. A good source of info is here - but it's worth using the forum search function as the same questions tend to get asked time after time. But I've learned a lot from browsing there.

Happy pedalling!
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Andy Wilson
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Andy Wilson »

Brian Moore wrote:A good source of info is here
Happy pedalling!
Deadly, cheers. I'm off to ride the world...
Martin Long
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Martin Long »

I am not very fit at all. My main exercise is karate, which I do once a week (I'm a 3rd Dan). I used to go swimming once a week on Sunday morning but stopped now because I am usually too hungover to do anything on Sunday and used to play for a football team too but got thrown for getting sent off three games in a row.
David Williams
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by David Williams »

I do a lot of walking and a bit of running. A couple of years ago I completed the Yorkshire Three Peaks, Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough (about 25 miles with 5,500 feet of ascent) in just over eight hours, and I did a 10k in 43 minutes. A word of warning to some of you youngsters though. Without ever being very unfit, I took very little exercise for about 25 years from my mid-twenties, and while I'm still fine a lot of my contemporaries in their sixties who've, say, played tennis all their lives are queueing up for new hips and knees. There's a limit to what the joints can take, so don't waste it while you're young!
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Matt Morrison
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Matt Morrison »

Kirk does one-handed exercise.
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Brian Moore
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Brian Moore »

David Williams wrote:A word of warning to some of you youngsters though. Without ever being very unfit, I took very little exercise for about 25 years from my mid-twenties, and while I'm still fine a lot of my contemporaries in their sixties who've, say, played tennis all their lives are queueing up for new hips and knees. There's a limit to what the joints can take, so don't waste it while you're young!
It's the impact sports that do the joints in. I played badminton fairly seriously until one of my knees twanged in a match, and I haven't played since. I could have had an arthroscopy to try to repair it, but it's good enough for everything else I do, so I'd have been having invasive surgery just to play a game which was screwing up my knees anyway. I think the worst sports for these are the ones in which you are constantly stopping and turning/twisting on hard surfaces, or getting constant impact on the joints. So I'll stick with the swimming and cycling, and forgo badminton, squash and running, as I'd quite like to keep the joints I've got as long as I can.
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Andy Wilson
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Andy Wilson »

Brian Moore wrote:I'd quite like to keep the joints I've got as long as I can.

I roll short ones sometimes when I'm on my own.
Matt Morrison wrote:Kirk does one-handed exercise.
Tee hee.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Phil Reynolds »

Andy Wilson wrote:
Matt Morrison wrote:Kirk does one-handed exercise.
Tee hee.
How come this joke wasn't funny when I, er, cracked it? :(
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Ryan Taylor »

Phil Reynolds wrote:
Andy Wilson wrote:
Matt Morrison wrote:Kirk does one-handed exercise.
Tee hee.
How come this joke wasn't funny when I, er, cracked it? :(
Because we're all homophobes.
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Matt Morrison
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Matt Morrison »

Phil Reynolds wrote:
Andy Wilson wrote:
Matt Morrison wrote:Kirk does one-handed exercise.
Tee hee.
How come this joke wasn't funny when I, er, cracked it? :(
I just looked again (by searching the page for "kirk") and I can't see it. Sorry if I missed it.
If you mean you posted it elsewhere, then I can imagine that neither of us are the first people to call Kirk a wanker, it was just relevant here in the exercise thread.

Anyway, I didn't get any love at all for this bit of excellence which even had perfectly camp emphasis in it:
Matt Morrison wrote:
Phil Reynolds wrote:my other half who runs, cycles and goes to the gym and yet seems to be constantly going down
I just don't know how he finds the time.
So fuck you all.

In other news - it's great to have you back Phil. Keep meaning to say it but I am now, so there. Enjoying your posts.
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Jon Corby
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Jon Corby »

Matt Morrison wrote:So fuck you all.
Sorry, I did laugh at that, but it feels a bit Sophish to be quoting posts just to go "lol" without adding anything. Plus the last time I did it, I got (I think) some abuse from Meakin. That's why we need the like button back.
Matt Morrison wrote:In other news - it's great to have you back Phil. Keep meaning to say it but I am now, so there. Enjoying your posts.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Matt Morrison »

Jon Corby wrote:
Matt Morrison wrote:So fuck you all.
Sorry, I did laugh at that, but it feels a bit Sophish to be quoting posts just to go "lol" without adding anything. Plus the last time I did it, I got (I think) some abuse from Meakin. That's why we need the like button back.
Agreed! I don't miss the constant checking of the likes table to make sure I'm still both the funniest and most generous appreciation receiver and giver on the site, but I do desperately miss being able to thank and be thanked. Maybe if they come back we can go without the totals on user profiles, which would give likes more of a "right here, right now" per-post feel.

But yeah, thanks - was only kicking up a faux-fuss to rival Phil. Whom it's nice to have back here. Agreed.
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Phil Reynolds
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Phil Reynolds »

Matt Morrison wrote:
Phil Reynolds wrote:How come this joke wasn't funny when I, er, cracked it? :(
I just looked again (by searching the page for "kirk") and I can't see it.
I meant the one-handed exercise bit - I used it above (cba to link) to describe myself, but using the same words to describe Kirk doesn't make it a new joke, you retard.
In other news - it's great to have you back Phil. Keep meaning to say it but I am now, so there. Enjoying your posts.
Sycophantic slut. :P
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Charlie Reams
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Charlie Reams »

Matt Morrison does one-handed exercise.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Ian Volante »

Soph K wrote:I sometimes play Tig (or Tag, as most people call it)
You're right, it's definitely tig.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Ian Volante »

As for my fitness, I play korfball, but given that the teams are mixed, I don't need to be that fit for it. Yes, partonising I know, but being bigger, stronger and faster than a lot of girls does indeed help.

I went to a rugby league training session (not played since 1995) on Saturday and I'm in a lot of pain today. At least I scored a handful of tries in the runabout session after the conditioning, but by god, that made me feel unfit.

In other news, I'll happily run a few miles without prep, although I keep meaning to actually run regularly. And I cycle to work and back (11 miles round trip) with little difficulty, but doing that for five days in a row I find gets a bit tough.
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Jon O'Neill »

I've started going to the gym in preparation for my holiday in 6 weeks. I'll report back to let you know if it's worth it.
Gavin Chipper
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Jon O'Neill wrote:I've started going to the gym in preparation for my holiday in 6 weeks. I'll report back to let you know if it's worth it.
Was it?
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Re: How fit are you?

Post by Jon O'Neill »

I think the following picture from that holiday proves that it definitely was:

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