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Hello from overseas

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 5:28 am
by Robert Lozyniak
How does one "introduce" oneself online, really?
Well, here's my attempt: My name is Robert Lozyniak. I'm male and in my mid-30s.
I live in Connecticut, which is a state in the USA. A lot of stuff I like is hard to find here. For example, I wanted a men's wallet with a pocket for coins, and I ended up ordering one from the UK because my local shops just don't sell them. That's just one example.
I found out about Countdown from when I saw something about Carol Vorderman's Sudoku books.
Sometimes I watch episodes of Countdown online. Unfortunately, I generally can't find new episodes of Countdown, so I also watch "Des Chiffres et des Lettres" and "Bir Kelime Bir İşlem". (I'm still trying to suss out the scoring system of the latter.)

Re: Hello from overseas

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 8:56 am
by Thomas Carey and are good for new episodes. Don't know if they work in the US though.

Re: Hello from overseas

Posted: Sun Sep 15, 2013 9:51 am
by Robert Lozyniak
Thomas Carey wrote:Don't know if they work in the US though.
They don't.

Maybe we don't have Countdown for the same reason as we don't have the metric system.

Did you know that there is even a Hebrew version of Countdown? I only managed to find one tiny clip of it, though:

Maybe the reason we don't have Countdown in the U.S. is the difficulty of finding an attractive young woman who has arithmetic skills beyond operating her cell phone's "calculator" app. Or maybe because most people would simply assume she was being fed the answers.

Danica McKellar (google her) is, unfortunately, an outlier.