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How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:40 am
by Matt Morrison
I'm knackered, and for no good reason (so that includes the traditional sense of 'knackered').
I did go to bed at 2am but I slept well and had a bit of a lie-in.

How are you feeling?

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:03 am
by Jon O'Neill
I think sleeping about 6 hours a night during the week and 10 hours at the weekend to bring the average up is not a particularly good idea long-term. I've gotten by on about five hours for a few weeks and I don't think it's very good for you.

Yesterday I got to bed before 12 for a change (I wake up at half 7) and it feels good. So today I'm only like garlic, where as most days I'd be a Pirelli.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:12 am
by James Robinson
I always seem to be knackered and in fairness, it's mainly my own doing, since it just takes me ages to get to sleep, mainly cos my mind doesn't seem to want to go to sleep.

Normally, I don't go into bed til around half 12 - 1am, and then it seems to take me another hour to go down, and at weekdays I get up at 7am, so if I'm lucky I could get 6 hours of sleep, but that's mainly if I'm just very, very tired.

I do compensate at weekends by not getting up til well after 9am, although 10-11am isn't that unrecurring either.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:31 am
by Matt Morrison
James Robinson wrote:I don't go into bed til around half 12 - 1am, and then it seems to take me another hour to go down

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 11:31 am
by Matt Morrison
Good input guys. I think from this sample we can assume everyone who uses C4C is tired all the time.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:38 pm
by Jon O'Neill
Matt Morrison wrote:
James Robinson wrote:I don't go into bed til around half 12 - 1am, and then it seems to take me another hour to go down
Beware of kittens.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:40 pm
by Matt Morrison

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:06 pm
by Peter Mabey
As it takes me a while to get off to sleep again after waking up for a wee, I never get a full night's sleep these days :x :cry: :(

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 3:35 pm
by Brian Moore
Have been a bit tired since doing a gig finishing at 1am last Saturday, then only having 5 hours sleep that night then doing a show every night this week (bloody Iolanthe - shame I can't sleep through that.)

But generally I aim for 8 hours sleep after my normal active days - on average I cycle about 200 miles and swim 2 miles a week, as well as not-sitting-at-desk work, so am tired enough both mentally and physically enough to make me sleep like a log, and wake up raring to go.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:01 pm
by Phil Reynolds
Not sleeping at all well at the moment due to being afflicted with frozen shoulder. (Read about it - you'll feel sorry for me, I promise.) Thus I've been very tired most days for several weeks now. However, I did actually sleep a bit better last night and so today I'm only tired rather than very tired. Which is nice, as it's my birthday.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 4:07 pm
by Rhys Benjamin
I like the Pirelli comment because of the fact that I got up at 2am to watch F1 this morning, combined with the fact that my physics teacher made us watch that program on BBC4 last night (Shock & Awe) then I had to clean out the kitchen as well, due to the fact that we're having a new floor in. Midnight to 2. Fantastic.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 5:37 pm
by Charlie Reams
I get awoken at 6.45 sharp every morning by a morbidly obese Ecuadorian woman screaming at her son, and next door's dog who barks incessantly for around 8 hours a day. So I am permanently tired.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:30 pm
by David Williams
Phil Reynolds wrote:Not sleeping at all well at the moment due to being afflicted with frozen shoulder.
My wife had that once. Didn't fancy anything the doctor told her, so she did a bit of research and started taking selenium tablets. Within a week it was gone. I don't think you can get them any more, but a couple of brazil nuts a day amounts to the same. Apparently we used to get all the selenium we need from bread before we joined the common market, but european wheat doesn't contain selenium, whereas north american does. Yet another reason to vote UKIP.

I think most alternative medicine is as effective as faith-healing, but this worked for her, and does have some logic behind it. Can't do any harm.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 6:44 pm
by Ian Volante
David Williams wrote: Yet another reason to vote UKIP.
Wow, doubled the list in one fell swoop!

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:29 pm
by Martyn Simpson
I have a nocturnal two and a half week old son; I'm knackered.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 7:31 pm
by James Robinson
Martyn Simpson wrote:I have a nocturnal two and a half week old son; I'm knackered.
Maybe even more after that shock revelation you told me about him the other day. :lol:

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 10:07 pm
by Brian Moore
Phil Reynolds wrote:Which is nice, as it's my birthday.
Happy Birthday!

(Now does your signature need updating?)

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Sat Oct 08, 2011 2:21 pm
by Gavin Chipper
Jon O'Neill wrote:I think sleeping about 6 hours a night during the week and 10 hours at the weekend to bring the average up is not a particularly good idea long-term. I've gotten by on about five hours for a few weeks and I don't think it's very good for you.

Yesterday I got to bed before 12 for a change (I wake up at half 7) and it feels good. So today I'm only like garlic, where as most days I'd be a Pirelli.
I think 7s and 9s work quite well. Maybe 7s and 10s if I'm lazy.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 8:59 am
by Phil Reynolds
David Williams wrote:
Phil Reynolds wrote:Not sleeping at all well at the moment due to being afflicted with frozen shoulder.
My wife had that once. Didn't fancy anything the doctor told her, so she did a bit of research and started taking selenium tablets. Within a week it was gone. I don't think you can get them any more, but a couple of brazil nuts a day amounts to the same.
Thanks for the suggestion David (and thanks too for your PM on the subject). As it happens, as part of my low-GI diet I already eat a couple of handfuls of mixed raw nuts, including brazils, each day. So selenium deficiency appears unlikely as a contributing factor to my misery. However, as I'm unable to quantify the number of brazils in each mixed handful, and as I'm desperate enough to try anything, for the next couple of weeks I'll try fishing around in the pack for the brazils and making sure I eat at least two a day. I'll let you know what happens.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:26 pm
by Dinos Sfyris
I am quite energetic today but then everyone who knows me will tell you I can run circles around King Kong on cocaine at Disneyland.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 7:42 pm
by Phil Reynolds
Phil Reynolds wrote:
David Williams wrote:
Phil Reynolds wrote:Not sleeping at all well at the moment due to being afflicted with frozen shoulder.
My wife had that once. Didn't fancy anything the doctor told her, so she did a bit of research and started taking selenium tablets. Within a week it was gone. I don't think you can get them any more, but a couple of brazil nuts a day amounts to the same.
As it happens, as part of my low-GI diet I already eat a couple of handfuls of mixed raw nuts, including brazils, each day. So selenium deficiency appears unlikely as a contributing factor to my misery. However, as I'm unable to quantify the number of brazils in each mixed handful, and as I'm desperate enough to try anything, for the next couple of weeks I'll try fishing around in the pack for the brazils and making sure I eat at least two a day. I'll let you know what happens.
Update: after a couple of days on the brazil nut regime, I looked up some figures on the amount of selenium they contain and discovered it can vary hugely, so I bought a pack of selenium tablets and have been taking those daily since last Wednesday. Saw the physio today and there's been no improvement whatever in the primary shoulder movements since I last saw her three weeks ago. My internal shoulder rotation has been improving over the past week, but that process began before I started taking the selenium.

I may as well carry on with it for now (I had to buy 90 of the bloody things and I'm not flushing them down the loo), but meanwhile today I've been back to Holland & Barrett and bought some glucosamine and chondroitin tablets to see what they do (other than drastically reduce the contents of my wallet).

Amusing side note: the latter tablets also contain something called MSM, which startled me until I realised that this apparently has a different meaning from the one with which I became familiar during the years I spent as a volunteer for a sexual health charity.

Re: How tired are you today?

Posted: Mon Jan 09, 2012 8:44 am
by Mark James
First day back in college today and thanks to the two and a half weeks off I'm not used to getting up at this hour. In fact this is around the time I went to bed at yesterday. Consequently I've had no sleep since I got up to watch Man U v Man City (I missed the first twenty minutes) yesterday. I also had to clean up cat sick at half two this morning and then he was back moaning at the window at around half four. I'm bolloxed.