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The latest military operations

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 5:02 am
by Andy Wilson
So, out of David Cameron, Barrack Obama and himself, it's not surprising that Sarkozy has been the first to penetrate labia.

Re: The latest military operations

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:28 am
by Ryan Taylor
Surely Berlusconi should have been first?

Re: The latest military operations

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:48 pm
by Andy Wilson
Nah, they're mates now, aren't they?

Re: The latest military operations

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:51 pm
by Ryan Taylor
I have no idea what's going on in the world. Although I did just turn on Sky news and I now understand what this thread refers to.

Re: The latest military operations

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 1:00 pm
by Andy Wilson
Yeah, I just came up with that joke last night at silly am and wanted to tell someone but was too chicken to put it on facebook in case my auntie got upset or something so I put it here. Then I remembered that's what sickipedia is for. I was also kind of hoping to maybe spark some discussion on the issue though.

Re: The latest military operations

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:06 pm
by Ryan Taylor
There should definitely be some discussion on it although Sunday is perhaps not the day for people to do this on the forum since it's pretty dead over the weekend. My guess is that the likely lads will be along on Monday and will post some intellectual stuff and controversial stuff and get knee-deep in Libya clunge. Personally on these matters I like to just sit back and not comment because I prefer to read arguements and views by people who know what they are on about and I usually just pipe up with some silly (or childish) comment. My only thoughts on this whole thing as it stands is that I think the whole thing is mental. I don't get why we are using force and killing people in someone else's country, can't we just let them slog it out themselves. Same with all wars and stuff, I just wish we lived in a fricking world where nothing like this happened and people didn't get all tetchy over stuff and start fighting. I mean, surely the only way this can go is that we will end up with a world war or something and it could get pretty messy. The human race is a disgrace and I am part of this disgrace. This view was brought to you by a Daily Mail reader so laugh if you may, but I'm the one whose currently listening to my free Spandau Ballet CD so fuck you all.

Re: The latest military operations

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 3:24 pm
by Charlie Reams
Ryan Taylor wrote:I don't get why we are using force and killing people in someone else's country, can't we just let them slog it out themselves.
That's isolationism and has been adopted by various countries at various times, but it's hard to maintain in the modern world. The fate of other countries is intimately tied up with our own -- for example, Libya is a huge exporter of oil, which is a vital resource for the lifestyle that we enjoy in Britain. So if we let them descend into civil war, it's bad for us too. There's a good argument from self-interest for us to intervene.

Also we're not in Libya as unilateral aggressors, as we were in Iraq and Afghanistan. Here we're acting on a unanimous UN resolution to prevent Gaddafi killing his own citizens. So there's a moral argument too.

Re: The latest military operations

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 10:59 am
by Ben Hunter
I'm really disappointed in the general opinion that a lot of people have about the intervention. Comparisons to Iraq are flying around everywhere, probably as a result of people not following the news properly over the last few weeks. This ignorance not only undermines the protests that were carried out by Libyans living here pretty much every day in support of intervention, but also the bravery of the people living in Libya who took a massive chance in protesting against Gaddafi's rule and who got murdered as a result.

Re: The latest military operations

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 11:33 am
by Ryan Taylor
Ben Hunter wrote:...Libyans...