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Another poker thread

Posted: Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:37 am
by Jimmy Gough
I've watched tons of TV poker. I don't know if anyone watches much but it seems like poker is quite popular. The best site to watch is defo has loads of old WSOP and EPT stuff which is good although the quality sucks pretty bad. Also the Pokerstars Big Game is good TV. The best players to watch if you haven't seen much are DEFINUITELY Tom Dwan number 1 for sure, Ivey, Antonius, viffer, Lex Veldhuis, ziigmund. But durrrrr is no.1 for sure. Scott Seiver, Galfond, most internet guys are obviously class as well.

The best shows (kind of in order) are High Stakes Poker, Big Game, durrrr Million Dollar Challenge, FTP Million Dollar Cash Game, WSOPs are always fun since Norman Chad is awesome. Might've missed some.

Best performance on a single show is defo durrrr vs Antonius HU when he's getting smacked in the face relentlessly by the deck and continues to play amazing Also when he's down 400k one show on Poker After Dark and manages to get back to a profit.

Best hand ever I think is durrrr vs Sammy George (who's a total whale) where he tells him his hand and manages to bluff him off it and you get 10k extra for winning with 72

If there's a particular show you want a link for I've probably watched it and can find it for you if it's online. is a good starting point although be warned 92% of the posters there are borderline retarded and generally hate everything and everyone. I've got a deuces cracked subscription free with rakeback so you can PM and I can give you the password if I like you.

I play 25nl and 50nl online atm, but I will eventually have a lot of success I think since I am willing to do what it takes. I think that's what I like most is how ruthlessly meritocratic the game is and how it's the nerds who really wn the monies in the end :)