C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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Jason William Larsen
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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Gavin Chipper
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Rhys Benjamin wrote: Fri May 29, 2020 10:28 pm You're right. Maybe I shouldn't offer any further glimpses into my subconsciousnesses.
No, you should.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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Had an odd one last night in which Paul Anderson was hosting a Zoomdown match between me and someone on the International Space Station (alternatively, it was Paul on the space station).
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Ben Wilson »

So last night I had a weird one. Essentially, I was in a hotel where the Sheffield-based band Bring Me the Horizon were playing a social-distancing friendly concert. The hotel was shaped like a hollow square with a massive garden in the middle where the band were playing, and everyone was meant to remain in their rooms and watch the concert out their windows. I had it in my mind that the hotel was also in Sheffield, which is impressive on the part of my subconscious as I didn't know until a few minutes ago that BMTH were from Sheffield lol. I was stuck in a room with someone who looked a bit like Petersen from Red Dwarf crossed with Jim Royle who was only interested in getting pissed and watching TV, so I left the room to try to find a better vantage point. I quickly discovered that social distancing had gone completely to pot as a lot of people were milling around in the hotel, including Mark Davies and Matt Bayfield. I head into the main reception of the hotel, which is on two layers, with the top floor essentially being an inverted balcony overlooking the ground floor. A large crowd were gathered, including Zarte and Mike Brown, as either this dream or the one immediately beforehand had had a 'murder mystery' subplot threaded through it that resurfaced in this one. We didn't know who the murder victim or the murderer was, other than Mike saying the corpse 'looked like Tigriti's slippers'. I then wake up.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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Was walking through a train station, Gevin phoned. Sounded pretty panicked, a mix of short-breathed anger and short-breathed about-to-cry. As calmly as he could he informed me that a journalist had approached him and told him they had found out about the fact that he stole a pint of milk from a newsagent when he was 7, or 7 years ago - not sure which - and that the reason was the plugin I had installed for him on his campaign website (I managed the Wordpress installation for him, I think I was some kind of political agent/PA) had some dodgy code in it that had allowed the clever cyber-journalist to somehow learn his historical sins. Gevin was very upset, found it quite hard to speak at all and so I told him that he absolutely needed to get in front of it, prepare an excellent statement that absolved him of any wrongdoing or at least would allay the fears of the voting public, and that I'd speak to him later that evening when he had his fucking shit together a bit more.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

I'm OK to speak now.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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I forgot to add that I ended the phone call (after telling you to phone me later on when you were able to actually physically talk) by saying something like "we all care about you Gevin, we all like your personality, we all like your opinions, we all like who are you and what you stand for, I love you".
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

You say that in real life as well.
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Rhys Benjamin
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Rhys Benjamin »

At CoSurrey (or whatever I'm calling it) that I hosted at The Kia Oval in London/Surrey, the lunchtime entertainment was a game of "Do Not Laugh Or You Will Lose". Unfortunately, Countdowners turned out to be very good at this and it overran by three hours, meaning it was pitch black when Conor and Jack W took up their places for the final. A 9-rounder, but they double-maxed it (18-18, 36-36, 54-54, 64-64, 72-72, 79-79, 87-87, 97-97) until the conundrum, which no one got. Or the second. Or the third. Or the fourth. In the end I decided to go for CHINALUNG to get it over and done with, but then they both hit the table at the same time. Eventually Jack won. After 10 conundrums I decided to beanstalk them and he was eventually able to spot HYDROCHLOROFLUOROCARBONS on the 25th conundrum.
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Rhys Benjamin
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Rhys Benjamin »

This has to be one of the weirdest ever.

The Countdown set was completely redesigned and now looked like something out of Mouse Trap. It was as though someone had lost the assembly instructions for the new set - the two contestants and DC were on screen left, the clock in the middle, then the numbers board, letters board, and host was on screen right. There was a giant slide between the letters board and the contest and lots of clock/timey-wimey imagery. At various points in the show balls would run down the slide in a display of perpetual motion or something.

They also let me back on and I became an octochamp, having somewhat fluked my way through the 8 games.

By the time I returned for the finals the contestants’ seats had been moved to either side of the clock and the slide now sat immediately to the screen left of the contestants and clock, the host immediately on the screen right, but otherwise everything was the same, except the slide was now a pointless feature.

I fluked my way through the quarter final against I can’t quite remember who but it might have been Luke Johnson-Davies, beating him with a letters round he didn’t spot.

In the semi final I beat the singer Troye Sivan quite comfortably.

In the final I came up against someone I know from Tube Challenge (also called Rhys) and I wore a horrible brown sparkly ladies’ top over a Fulham FC shirt. Why, I don’t know. Rhys went ahead 40-22 (why I distinctly recall that score I don’t know) before I finally sorted my life out and started fighting back. I got a couple of letters rounds and it went down to a crucial conundrum. Whilst I can’t exactly remember the scramble, I was perplexed when it had two Js next to each other and I was so flummoxed that Rhys buzzed in with JUJDUICEL, apparently a variant spelling of JUDICIAL, and won the game.

Naturally, I was distraught.

Fast forward 6 months and I’m presenting the “Didn’t Happen Of The Year Awards” when I’m ambushed by the producers who decide to sit down and watch it. I’m so upset by what I’m about to see that I run away from the presentation (which is to 3 people outside a branch of Asda, for some reason).
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Ben Wilson
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Ben Wilson »

Anorher day, another dream involving apterites and a train. This time I'm on a platform gathering my stuff together ready to get a tube train to where I need to go, only the platform is itself laid out like a train with overhead storage, seats etc. I just about get my stuff together (coat, bag, trainers which I'd taken off for some reason) only for the train to leave without me, which I shrugged off as I figured another one would be along soon. (I was going somewhere like Redhill for a co event fwiw). I finished gathering my things (including taking my notes back from a couple of people who I'd been sat with the whole time but only just noticed) only to discover I was actually already on the train which was extremely wide, like a dining hall or something. Anyway q few seats along were Matt M and Heather, off to the side was Richard Priest and when I stood up I came face to face with Mark Deeks who only noticed me when I was literally inches away from his face. He said 'hi Ben' in a very bored voice then went back to what he was doing. I then joined Johnny Canuck and two others I didn't recognise in a discussion of the validity of the word 'AUTOCRETIN*' before waking up.

*not valid but would make a brilliant 10 letter conundrum.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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Mark Deeks wrote:Callum Todd looks like a young Ted Bundy.
Gavin Chipper
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Derek Acorah had some regular psychic-type show and Ned Pendleton is part of the team as the resident sceptic or something. On one of these shows Derek is going to do some sort of reading on Ned. But Ned secretly sends his twin brother in his place as a trick. I was in the audience for the end of it but was unfortunately late so I missed exactly what went on, but there was some disagreement over what this proved. Derek thought that if anything it proved that his stuff really worked. Ned less so.

However, since in real life (real death?), Derek Acorah has been dead for over a year, I'd say that managing to have your own show is still pretty spooky.
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Ben Wilson
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Ben Wilson »

My mede clearly need upping again as I've had a few of these recently. In last night's one, I was organising a co event in a supermarket, with games sort of randomly taking place dotted between the aisles. Needless to say, Jack W still won, beating Callum in the final. I then had to track down all the various scattered countdowners before locating Graeme and his atropine program in a small Egyptian pyramid in the middle of the store. It turned out that Stewart Gordon finished 4th, while Gevin was also in the top 10. I then congratulated Jack on winning 26 games in a row over the previous COLIN and ICBINC events I've run. With the event done, I headed to the lift to get to my hotel room on the 1st floor, only to accidentally push the '11' button instead of '1'. As there were a lot of people in the lift, instead of owning up to my mistake, I decide to go with it and get off at the 11th floor, which was a penthouse with beautiful city views and it's own private ice cream bar. I then wake up.

In a previous dream, there was a co event/get together in a DIY store where Richard Priest beat me in one move at chess (not too far away from the truth, I suck at chess) while Eddy Byrne laughed uproariously .
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by JackHurst »

Ben Wilson wrote: Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:54 am My mede clearly need upping again as I've had a few of these recently. In last night's one, I was organising a co event in a supermarket, with games sort of randomly taking place dotted between the aisles. Needless to say, Jack W still won, beating Callum in the final. I then had to track down all the various scattered countdowners before locating Graeme and his atropine program in a small Egyptian pyramid in the middle of the store. It turned out that Stewart Gordon finished 4th, while Gevin was also in the top 10. I then congratulated Jack on winning 26 games in a row over the previous COLIN and ICBINC events I've run. With the event done, I headed to the lift to get to my hotel room on the 1st floor, only to accidentally push the '11' button instead of '1'. As there were a lot of people in the lift, instead of owning up to my mistake, I decide to go with it and get off at the 11th floor, which was a penthouse with beautiful city views and it's own private ice cream bar. I then wake up.

In a previous dream, there was a co event/get together in a DIY store where Richard Priest beat me in one move at chess (not too far away from the truth, I suck at chess) while Eddy Byrne laughed uproariously .
Jason William Larsen
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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Mark Deeks
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »

Rachel was holding a competition. At the end of a really long and incredibly narrow runway stood her shed, which for no particular reason was raised up about a foot on stilts and was coloured turquoise. Whoever amongst us bowled their ball (sorry Jono, I mean tenpin bowling not cricket stuff) down this runway and landed closest to her shed won the opportunity to go into (unspecified) business with her. I was the first to bowl, and, in an uncharacteristically kind moment from my sub-conscience, absolutely smashed it. Both literally and figuratively; my aim was absolutely perfect, my bowl went right under the middle of the shed, and it then immediately exploded. One quick massive jump cut later, and it appears the "business opportunity" in question was actually me providing some babysitting services to her daughter, who in this dream had the legs of a frog.
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
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Mark Deeks
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »

Mark Deeks wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:17 pm Rachel was holding a competition. At the end of a really long and incredibly narrow runway stood her shed, which for no particular reason was raised up about a foot on stilts and was coloured turquoise. Whoever amongst us bowled their ball (sorry Jono, I mean tenpin bowling not cricket stuff) down this runway and landed closest to her shed won the opportunity to go into (unspecified) business with her. I was the first to bowl, and, in an uncharacteristically kind moment from my sub-conscience, absolutely smashed it. Both literally and figuratively; my aim was absolutely perfect, my bowl went right under the middle of the shed, and it then immediately exploded. One quick massive jump cut later, and it appears the "business opportunity" in question was actually me providing some babysitting services to her daughter, who in this dream had the legs of a frog.
Oddly prophetic!
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
Gavin Chipper
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Mark Deeks wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:20 am
Mark Deeks wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:17 pm Rachel was holding a competition. At the end of a really long and incredibly narrow runway stood her shed, which for no particular reason was raised up about a foot on stilts and was coloured turquoise. Whoever amongst us bowled their ball (sorry Jono, I mean tenpin bowling not cricket stuff) down this runway and landed closest to her shed won the opportunity to go into (unspecified) business with her. I was the first to bowl, and, in an uncharacteristically kind moment from my sub-conscience, absolutely smashed it. Both literally and figuratively; my aim was absolutely perfect, my bowl went right under the middle of the shed, and it then immediately exploded. One quick massive jump cut later, and it appears the "business opportunity" in question was actually me providing some babysitting services to her daughter, who in this dream had the legs of a frog.
Oddly prophetic!
That happened?
Fiona T
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Fiona T »

Gavin Chipper wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 10:31 am
Mark Deeks wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 9:20 am
Mark Deeks wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 7:17 pm Rachel was holding a competition. At the end of a really long and incredibly narrow runway stood her shed, which for no particular reason was raised up about a foot on stilts and was coloured turquoise. Whoever amongst us bowled their ball (sorry Jono, I mean tenpin bowling not cricket stuff) down this runway and landed closest to her shed won the opportunity to go into (unspecified) business with her. I was the first to bowl, and, in an uncharacteristically kind moment from my sub-conscience, absolutely smashed it. Both literally and figuratively; my aim was absolutely perfect, my bowl went right under the middle of the shed, and it then immediately exploded. One quick massive jump cut later, and it appears the "business opportunity" in question was actually me providing some babysitting services to her daughter, who in this dream had the legs of a frog.
Oddly prophetic!
That happened?

Rachel is pregnant. Mark's dream is prophetic because...

The narrow runway and shed are clearly symbolic of the female reproductive system. Bowling balls at the shed probably doesn't need further explanation and the subsequent explosion requires reaching for the tissues. Babies with frogs legs are of course the natural result of a process involving tadpoles.

Analysis brought to you by Titcombe dream interpretation (TM) and is worth exactly what you paid for it.
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Mark Deeks
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »

Strongly suggest you pay the lady as that could not be more accurate.
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
Gavin Chipper
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Your dream. You pay.
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Rhys Benjamin
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Rhys Benjamin »

Moldova pulled out of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest and got replaced by The Mamas (Sweden 2020). However, since they were already bookwd for the Only Connect final they were replaced at OC by a team of Andy Platt, Mark Deeks, and Graeme Cole.
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Mark Deeks
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »

One of the easier games of Fuck, Marry, Kill you'll ever play.
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Fiona T »

Got drunk and decided I needed to do in impromptu 'go live' on zoomdown and have a proper whinge about lots of stuff. Lots of people in live chat who just wanted to play letters and numbers and were very confused by my Markelesque tell all, but politely sat through it. At the end I put up a tricky 4L and chat seemed happy. I remember thinking "I must delete this stream before Paul sees it" but then went to sleep (weird to dream about going to sleep) so it's still out there in dreamland somewhere.
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L'oisleatch McGraw
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by L'oisleatch McGraw »

Rhys Benjamin wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 9:44 am Moldova pulled out of this year’s Eurovision Song Contest and got replaced by The Mamas (Sweden 2020).
The crucial question here being: did Sugar get replaced by Move or In the Middle?
If it was the 2021 effort, then the proposal has my full support!
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: S:778-ochamp
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Rhys Benjamin
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Rhys Benjamin »

Last night's dream probably belongs in the You Are The Ref thread, but anyway...

In the final 8 prelims of a Countdown series, someone (who didn't have a name in this dream) came along and smashed out their first seven games. Being the final 8 prelims, they knew the leaderboard position and knew that the #8 seed (2 wins, 400 pts, and, more importantly, me) was unlucky to lose their third game, and thus the #8 position was not appropriate. So the 7-time winner, who already had a huge points total, in the final prelim, deliberately threw their last game so as not to be #1 seed and instead go in as #2 seed, duly losing 120-0. To try to get around this subterfuge, therefore, the production team decide that the #1 seed (Charlie) can pick his opponent, with the options being any of the seeds between 5 and 8. He decided not to pick me (#8 seed) as his opponent and instead went for the #7, whilst I just stand there overthinking the psychological and mental aspects of the whole thing, wondering whether this is cronyism on Charlie's part, whether he feels sorry for me, or whether he's playing mind games with me, or what have you.

In the end I wake up before I get to play Charlie in the quarter final. Booooo.
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Ben Wilson
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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So last night I was playing Zoomdown, where I was the challenger but also the champion on 1 win (superposition is apparently a regular feature of my dreams). I can't remember who I was playing, but I was 17 points ahead after round 13. I had the final numbers pick, and I joked about not 'doing a Philip Aston' and picking 6 small (even though it was Dinos who did that), and following some persuasion from Paul, I went 1 large.

What happened next either happened before the above dream, during it or afterward (again, superposition). I find myself running through the back streets of Lincoln before dawn, along with a few people I don't recognise, trying to hunt down the remnants of the cult of Thanos. Long story short, we succeed, but when I get back to the Zoomdown game I find the final two rounds were played without me, meaning I lost by 3 points. Oh well.
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Mark Deeks
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »

I am a disturbed sleeper. Over the course of an eight-hour night, I will generally have two sleeps of about four hours with a few salient minutes in between, yet during each "chunk" of sleep if you will, I further wake up dozens of times, if only for a few seconds. What this means for my dreams is that whatever happens in chunk two overwrites what happened in chunk one, and so while I almost always remember my dreams upon waking, it is usually only from chunk two.

Last night, however, chunk one was a Countdown-related dream. And as I was having it, I was consciously if groggily saying to myself, "I need to document this somehow for the C4C thread before I forget."(A worryingly pathetic thought, but also a distinct memory.) As a result, during the mid-chunk stirrings of chunk one, I was reaching for my phone and writing down verbatim quotes from the dream, with a hope that they would help me retell it despite the best efforts of chunk two to dominate proceedings.

The setting for this first dream was a hotel somewhere between Cambridge and Fort William (or, as Jen would call it, "the North"). An indeterminate of number of us were at a Co:Event, but not really; we were at the hotel (which resembled a Travelodge but with much greater investment in soft furnishings and wall-mounted TVs), and it was unclear whether the event was to go ahead. It was also unclear whether the pub was going ahead, or indeed any of the extra-curriculars that make for a Co:Event weekend. I was Whatsapping people, knocking on doors, saying WTF are we doing, and getting annoyed with the silence. Matt Morrison at one point responded with "sorry, we've got something else to do". This riled me up further, and so I went to bed, cross. Inadvertently, however, it seems as though I had joined a Zoom call with Tom Carey during all my stomping around, and he and the other anonymous people on the call (one of whom was called Harry, yet all of whom were said to be there for the Co:Event) were witness to my paddywhack. This became a talking point for them, and I was mocked. At that point Jen Steadman came in (it seems we shared a bedroom, but not a bed, in accordance with our mutual strong Christian beliefs), and she'd had a much better time than me, which added to my grump.

That was a fairly boring dream to retell; it went on to morph into a weird narrative in which I attended a 1930's-themed cocktail bar and coincidentally met my former next-door neighbour, but nothing interesting really happened plot-wise. However, when I fully woke up and checked the quotes I had collated overnight, this is what I found. This is completely genuine and although I remember writing them and the scene that prompted me to do so, I have absolutely no idea how they fit into the above narrative.
Sir, may I be the first to point out that the fact that Jeremy Beadle was better at the hand dance than you is going to lead to PR problems.
For all the problems I have had in my life recently, I never thought the answer to them would be to drive to Barrington, go to a hotel and spent the weekend cleaning up Countdowner's vomit.
Does that horse know how to use a lift?
Invention of the year - the mirror that removes the arm hair from all your exes.
My God, you've never looked so edible. Still, time to die.
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
Gavin Chipper
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Is it a diagnosis you're after? Whatever it is, it sounds terminal.

(Seriously though, very enjoyable.)
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Ben Wilson »

Last night's dream, then. I'm getting ready for bed on a bus, which is also my bathroom, and I'm putting clean clothes away to discover thay mum has left random cups of tea everywhere. By this point, my house has turned into a shopping centre, then Tom Carey shows up, drinks one of the cups of tea and starts dancing.

Long story short, a full blown apterite party breaks out, and I find myself answering questions about my personal politics compared to the average citizen of Doncaster and a place in Spain called 'moe-jive'.
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Mark Deeks
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »


I am walking down a road in London. One of those nice roads, you know the ones. Not super duper posh, but pretty nice; town houses with ridiculously high ceilings, lots of gates, big trees, phone boxes, all the cars are some form of black or silver, etc. On this road, there randomly appears a pub with no front wall, all very open-fronted, very welcoming. Inside this pub are two people; an impossibly good-looking woman (in a leather jacket and choker, far too many colours in her naturally dark hair, nose ring, skin so pale it looks like she needs a transfusion; classic Mark type), and Graeme Cole. Graeme puts on the jukebox, and it appears his choice of song is "Boris Johnson Is A Fucking Cunt" by The Kunts. At that moment, Boris Johnson himself walks past the pub. I laugh so much that I fall over.


I am trying out for a job as a safety inspector at a nuclear storage facility, along with a guy called Nick that I used to work with [this part is actually true]. Nick is furiously neurotic [so is this], and so pedantic and odd about things on his trial that he fails the practical interview. They don't, however, tell him this, and lead him back to the car park telling him they'll let him know. Now it's my turn, and it seems as if my trial shift is mostly to be spent spraying some anti-death water over all the fixtures and fittings of the facility, which mostly appears to be made of dusty warehouses. I am getting irritated on my travels by all the people nagging at me and being all bossy and that, and am about to fail my trial, before encountering one seriously depressed employee inside one of the warehouses and talking him out of suicide, at which point they decide to give me the job. Again, though, they don't tell me this [although, this being Dreamland, I somehow know it anyway], and give me a letter on my way back to the car saying they'll "let me know ;) ;) ;) ". I then slink off in my car and do a bunch of doughnuts in a nearby housing estate, only to get out of the car and see that "they" had scratched the words "sorry, that was misleading" onto my boot. It turns out they had changed their mind and actually given the job to Kirk Bevins, who seemed unjustifiably smug about the entire thing and who promptly did not then do any work.
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
Gavin Chipper
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

I enjoy reading about people's dreams in this thread. However, I honestly don't really care if someone's dream is Countdown-related as long as it's a good read, and I worry that people are put off putting their other dreams. So I would just say that people should put any dreams here, but if you're feeling pedantic about it, there's always this thread. As you can see, Matt Morrison has got a lot to answer for.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Ben Wilson »

So, last night's one. I'm taking part in a school swimming competition, even though I can't swim. Also present is Graeme Cole, Donald Trump and one of his flunkies (trump's, not GC). I win my heat by virtue of the fact that the lane of the poll I'm in is about 6 inches deep and I'm able to pull myself along while the other competitors (people I know from work) have to wade in 3 foot deep water. Then, Trump starts kicking off because he didnt win (he wasn't even in this heat) and his flunky starts stealing everyone's phone and chucking it around. Outside, we hear a tango announcement that everything is fine and there is nothing wrong, which naturally causes everyone in school to completely freak out. Graeme then comments that 'everything's gone plastic', apparently his euphemism for 'fubar'. There's then either a jump cut or a different dream, as then I find myself running through lincoln city centre late at night looking for a toilet. After passing Mike Brown en route, I find it in a hybrid B&Q/fancy boutique, ehere everyone has been working since the introduction of 'milk 2.0' several months earlier. After entering the toilet, I wake up.
Gavin Chipper
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Ben Wilson wrote: Mon Jul 05, 2021 7:36 am Outside, we hear a tango announcement
Tango announcement?
Elliott Mellor
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Elliott Mellor »

This hasn't been posted in for a while, but I can finally add a contribution to it.

Last night's dream was set at a Co:Bla, with a lot of guests there waiting for the draw to start. However, there was a considerable delay because it transpired that Bradley Horrocks had managed to seriously offend Mark Mills with a question he asked (I can't remember exactly what it was, but I think it was something like "are you going to be writing a new book?", which for some reason offended Mark hugely). So furious was Mark, that he announced that Co:Bla wasn't going to go ahead.

In the awkward situation after, I go over to Bradley and talk to him (unfortunately I cannot remember what was said). Everyone is a little nonplussed about what to do with the day, since the time they planned for the event is now completely free. This is sadly where my memory of the dream ends.
George Armstrong
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by George Armstrong »

Had one last night in which there was a new variant on Apto in which you had to declare song lyrics. However it took me 18 rounds to realise Charlie hadn't programmed it correctly and you could just declare any song lyric, regardless of the 9 letters you were given. But then I struggled to remember any song lyrics anyway - I tried for Waterloo but couldn't remember exactly what came next (and if you made any mistakes you didn't score). Due to this programming fault, Ian Volante currently held the high score in the song lyric letters attack with six hundred and something.
Last edited by George Armstrong on Sat Sep 04, 2021 1:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Rhys Benjamin »

The forum's resident JAILBAKER, who has SPONDERED several times...
George Armstrong
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by George Armstrong »

Second night in a row I find myself back here...

This time there's a bunch of us (plus an old classmate and Kathy Beale from EastEnders) in a nightclub. Robbo shows me a picture of him, Mark and Tracey stood in a river (or lake or something) with a big wooden crank wheel thingy in the middle. Then one Countdowner (who I won't name coz I doubt they'd want me to) was getting off with a man who I can only describe as a Big French Big Steve. Jealousy seemed to intensify...

Let's see if we can make it a hat-trick tonight... :D
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by George Armstrong »

Ok now things get weird...

So last night I was living in a flat share in London with my Mum and Ian Volante who mostly kept to himself (and who had a sweet deal of only paying £100pcm in rent), until my Mum brings home her new boyfriend - Eoin Jackson! They're quite fond of PDA's, especially on the balcony. Ian and I are immediately unhappy and we know we must do something. Eoin has recently lost his job and so has his redundancy money. We decide to get rid of it by pushing it off the balcony. Dejected, Mum and Eoin accept being bought out by Ian and I in exchange for moving out and leaving us in the flat in peace.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by George Armstrong »

I think I need a new hobby, or a psychiatrist, coz I keep having dreams with you lot in them...

My Dad was trying to test out his new car boot oven in Sainsbury's carpark by cooking some chips, but they didn't come out great so we decided to go out for dinner instead. Drove down the road for a bit (why we didn't just go to the cafe at Sainsbury's while we were there idk) and got to the roundabout at the edge of town where Toby Carvery is. At that point, the car turned into a shopping basket, which despite our best efforts to drive, we couldn't both fit into it. At this point, Andy Platt materialises. We both lean on this guy's car, but Andy has sneakily written something on my back about Cristiano Ronaldo and it transfers onto the guy's car window via condensation. Andy suggests we should just go to Toby Carvery coz it's there and we head in. The car driver collars us and tells us to clean his windows. I refuse coz it was Andy's fault and he gets very angry and wants a fight. He pulls an entire bathroom plumbing system with sink attached out of his car but he can't fit it under the Toby Carvery canopy to hit me with so resorts to using his hands. Dad tries to hold him back while he tries (and fails) to smash my kneecaps whilst channeling the anger he felt when his doctor told him some bad news. Meanwhile Andy is true to form and does absolutely nothing but watch the carnage he created.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Callum Todd »

Now that they're apparently a nightly occurrence, petition for George's countdown dreams to replace Origins of Words.
Mark Deeks wrote:Callum Todd looks like a young Ted Bundy.
Fiona T
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Fiona T »

Callum Todd wrote: Sun Sep 05, 2021 2:19 pm Now that they're apparently a nightly occurrence, petition for George's countdown dreams to replace Origins of Words.
Agreed. Hoping it was me who got some action on Friday night - it's a long time since I've had any in my own dreams!
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by George Armstrong »

Ok so Fiona's now the second person to ask me if it was them lol. Sadly no related dream last night. Looks like Susie's keeping her job (for now...)
Elliott Mellor
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Elliott Mellor »

Finally I have a worthwhile contribution to this thread.

Georg, Fiona, Declan (a school friend) and possibly Maus were scheduled to do a skydive. It was apparently quite a notable event, because a lot of people had turned out to see them off. It then transpired that, instead of them being taken up in a plane and jumping out, they were going to be pulled up to the altitude on a bench, which was attached to a plane via a rope (which didn't seem particularly strong). The first time they went up ended in disaster, as the rope snapped and they all came hurtling down to earth (though apparently the bench accommodated for this, discharging a bunch of pink goo that they could land on to cushion the impact, and which Fiona seemed completely unfazed by because she'd downloaded an app which could tell her all sorts of details about their journey up (and down)). The second time they went up (via the same method), we all watched as they disappeared further and further up, and it then occurred to me that I could shout "Yorkshire is shit!" as loud as I wanted and they wouldn't be able to do a damn thing about it, so I gleefully did so.

I then somehow just...appear in the sky beside them as they're preparing to do their jump, and it turns out that at this point we're all capable of totally defying the laws of physics because we are literally levitating. Another school friend, Luke, has also appeared and is saying how glad he is that I'm sat on the bench because it means we're able to social distance (like, we're 10000 feet on the air and THAT'S your concern!? We're pretty distanced from everyone on earth as well). The skydivers then jump, and those of us who are up in the sky are shown some cool little map that tells us exactly how long it will take each jumper to get to earth, accurate to the second (I think it was around 3-4 minutes on average, and counted down from when they dived). I soon become one of the people on earth, because I've somehow teleported back and get to see the divers arrive with parachutes which look exactly like umbrellas and don't appear as though they'd pass any safety tests, but being as though it seems physics mode wasn't available in this dream that hardly seems like it would be a concern.
Last edited by Elliott Mellor on Fri Oct 22, 2021 12:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Fiona T »

Elliott Mellor wrote: Fri Oct 22, 2021 9:15 am ... Fiona seemed completely unfazed by because she'd downloaded an app which could tell her all sorts of details about their journey up (and down)).
Haha, somewhat tickled about being the nerdy one in Elliott's dream ;)

(Does sound a bit like me tho! :D )
George Armstrong
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by George Armstrong »

Such an unrealistic dream...

If you'd have shouted "YORKSHIRE is shit" I'd have fecking pushed you off that bench, sans parachute :P
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Ben Wilson »

Last night's was... something. It starts with me getting a late night train to London, just because, and after a jump cut I'm in some kind of supermarket/pharmacy which is hosting a Co event after party. This descends into a game where we shoot some kind of small plastic discs at the employee's of the shop, who shoot them back and I become really skilled at catching them in mid air. I then have to say goodbye as it's midnight, and go around saying goodbye to everyone including Maus, Jen, Charlie, old school countdowner Gary Male, and foe some reason Big Narstie, who gives me a massive hug as I say goodbye to him. I then wake up.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Rhys Benjamin »

It’s all fading away a bit now, but I had a dream about watching George Armstrong on RuPaul’s Drag Race (the drag name being “The Yorkshire SLAY-er”) and then I managed to substitute for him for the Snatch Game to do my impression of Anne Robinson.
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Mark Deeks
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »

It's a Friday, somewhere, and I'm not doing so good. Specifically, I am in an incredibly densely-packed little corner shop [I'm the only customer but the shelves are really close together], staffed by two ladies in their 60s running two separate tills on two different sides of the shop, and I am flopping about the place like a weirdo. Ol' Jelly Legs over here is trying to complete the simple task of buying a bottle of Fanta, but I keep missing it and stacking it on my arse. Considering that I was not drunk (I don't drink in real life so it would be weird if Sleep Me did), I conclude I must have had a (soft) drink spiked, as there is no way I would be acting this way otherwise. However, it was probably more just the fact that I was really tired, both in life and in the dream - I woke up about 170 times during the night, as per bloody usual, and my brain was probably just casting judgement on itself. One of the shop ladies told me to get out the store and go to sleep, which I did, in my car, immediately outside the shop, on a double yellow line, with all the doors open.

A day passed, and now on Saturday, I was woken up by Matt Morrison, to whom I immediately angrily blamed for the door thing. "How the hell did other cars get past? How the hell did I not get a ticket? And how the hell do we get to Co:Lin from here?" Yes, it turns out it was that Saturday, and moreover, it was also now 2.30pm. After going back in the shop to get another Fanta, and inadvertently buying a full sit-down English breakfast at the attached restaurant that popped up out of nowhere, me, Matt and my Kenyan friend David got in the car (shutting the doors for the first time in a while) and started arguing over which way to go. Matt wanted to go up the A1, David wanted to go up the M1 then take the coast road past Arbroath. We put them both into the satnav, which concluded that one journey would take 422 minutes, and one would take 423. David, who in real life speaks only in deeply philosophical African allegories, shouted "fuck this, we won't even get there until gone 10!". We set off anyway.
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »

The frequency with which I dream about Matt Morrison is something I will have to examine at some point.
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
Gavin Chipper
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Gavin Chipper »

Mark Deeks wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:47 pm One of the shop ladies told me to get out the store and go to sleep, which I did, in my car, immediately outside the shop, on a double yellow line, with all the doors open.
This counts for double sleep time when this happens, so you only need half the amount of sleep.
George Armstrong
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by George Armstrong »

Speaking of CO:LIN, last night I was staying in a hotel with Jack Hurst. We got up in the morning and went out to have a cup of tea and then a pint. While there, we bumped into Jane Beale from Eastenders, who was telling us of all the drama that we'd missed from the late Saturday night antics, like one friend of mine who'd be hospitalised, and another who had to have a gumshield fitted. We realise it was getting late, so headed back to the hotel to get our stuff and head to the hangover. We get back and it's 2pm (and pitch black and raining). I check my phone to see if the Hangover's still on, which on FB was said to be scheduled from 2 till 6. I asked Jack if he had Ben's number, and he said it was 690, but when I check FB it said it ended 2253. Anyway Jack then left Ben a voicemail and my gumshielded friend returned, and I exuberantly start filling him in on all the goss. We go back inside, where Fiona is sat in the front room with Jane Beale and actress Rebecca Front. We go back to our room and grab our stuff and head downstairs. The hotel. The hotel was also rather tall and narrow, so had dodgy staircases (imagine these steps but much thinner, and the owners had put loads of crap on the thicker sides so you had to step on the thinnest parts which were barely as wide as your foot https://empire-s3-production.bobvila.co ... 1553807904 ). Jack was very scared about walking down these, so I lead. I make it down, but one of the steps dislodges, so Jack has to jump over it and lands on me. We get up, dust ourselves off, and head to the Hangover...
Last edited by George Armstrong on Thu Nov 25, 2021 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Matt Morrison »

Mark Deeks wrote: Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:58 pm The frequency with which I dream about Matt Morrison is something I will have to examine at some point.
This counts for double cool points when this happens, so you only need to be half as cool as other people.
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Mark Deeks
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Mark Deeks »

I have often dreamt (as in daydreamed) about becoming a world champion at something, but last night, I really did dream (as in actually dreamt) about becoming a world champion at something. Specifically, I became a world champion at the new yet prestigious World Peeling Bank Notes Off A Big Wad Of Cash And Throwing Them Into A Bath Tub Championships, where, after much deliberation as to whether some of my throws counted considering they missed the tub, I eked out a dramatic victory over Fabiano Caruana. (Sally from Coronation Street was third.)

Anyway, Matt Morrison was in the audience.
Eoin Monaghan wrote:
He may not be liked on here, but you have to give some credit to Mark
Marc Meakin
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Marc Meakin »

Mark Deeks wrote: Wed Dec 08, 2021 1:32 pm I have often dreamt (as in daydreamed) about becoming a world champion at something, but last night, I really did dream (as in actually dreamt) about becoming a world champion at something. Specifically, I became a world champion at the new yet prestigious World Peeling Bank Notes Off A Big Wad Of Cash And Throwing Them Into A Bath Tub Championships, where, after much deliberation as to whether some of my throws counted considering they missed the tub, I eked out a dramatic victory over Fabiano Caruana. (Sally from Coronation Street was third.)

Anyway, Matt Morrison was in the audience.
Was this a morning glory dream?
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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Ben Wilson wrote: Wed Feb 01, 2017 8:55 pm...handing out random spot prizes throughout the day (the next one to be handed out, for some reason, is a John Bishop DVD).
Five years later this has finally paid off!
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

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I can always tell when I've forgotten to take my insomnia medication as my dreams suddenly become very vivid. (No its not worth coming off them entirely, trust me)

Last night I found myself at the secret apto/focal/c4c headquarters, which as it turned out was in the belfry of all saints Church, next to the Ark (the COLIN main event venue). Side note- that church doesn't actually have a belfry, but nm. One of the main games played at the HQ involves 2 people standing in a window about 20 feet up. Everyone else then votes on a characteristic of the people in the window, and the 'loser' gets pushed our of the window into a pool below. Philip Aston is playing this game with someone else who I replace when the question is 'who is the most bulbous?'. I do this as there are two people below at the church door that I want to speak to and I figure it's quicker than taking the stairs (even though it's also passing down with rain outside). However, Philip ends up getting pushed out anyway.

Next up, We're at the main meeting table when suddenly a policewoman shows up with several padlocks and announces I'm being arrested. However, this quickly turns out to be a prank as a giant strawberry and chocolate birthday cake is wheeled out and everyone tucks in, even though I suddenly start eating off the floor and having to avoid scooping up the giant casserole that's appeared on the floor alongside my cake. I then wake up.
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Ben Wilson »

This morning's dream was held in a place that was essentially yhe living room of the house where I grew up, but vastly scaled up in size. A co-event was being held by Fiona, and I wasn't playing but was there to provide logistic help/foist old stationery on her. The final was between Zarte and a player whose initials were BB, but I can't remember what those letters stood for. BB narrowly won, then started gloating which pissed Z off no end. I ended up talking to TCap, explaining there's some controversy about BB being suspected of cheating, then Dinos and Joe Bartram showed up and we began playing 'conversation countdown', which is where we just talk but note down any good long words from the convo. I woke up as I tried to figure out how to get the word 'cafetiere' into the conversation.
Elliott Mellor
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Re: C4C/apto/Countdown Dreams

Post by Elliott Mellor »

One from last night seemed to be set in the 1940s (I have 1945 in my head as being important in the dream, but not sure if this is accurate), since it turns out that maus, myself and some other people I can't recall (though Bradley may have been one) are trying to escape bombing by the nazis. Somehow I have gained intelligence that the building we are in is going to be bombed in April, and we all come to the startling reality that it is actually already April and therefore the building is due for imminent bombing. In some extremely bizarre twist, I can also see parts of the future and I know that maus is going to be injured - but not killed - in the bombing, which leads me to concoct a clever survival plan that I should use maus as a shield and therefore avoid death myself (concluding that if he only gets injured, then I'll surely avoid death as well by being close to him as the severity will likely be on the same level). Think we did all survive, though sadly I can offer no further insight as to what happened after this.
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