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Blink and you'll miss me in Madonna's Celebration

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:11 pm
by Lesley Jeavons
Hi everyone

Hope all are doing well. I don't have too much time for in here since running my Rosemary Conley classes, but hope the place is as friendly and inviting as ever. :-p

I just thought I'd share my one wee second of fame with you. Madonna's Celebration video has two versions - one with her dancers, and her rubbing herself against her 22 year old lover, and the other with her fans camping it up. I'm in the fan version, black background, dressed in black, with awful blonde bubble wig (why?!), dancing my little lace tight legs off.

Blink and you'll miss me - 1m 12s: ... d=63213039

Re: Blink and you'll miss me in Madonna's Celebration

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:13 pm
by Jon Corby
I can't look at Myspace in work. Is this a new video Lesley?

Re: Blink and you'll miss me in Madonna's Celebration

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:20 pm
by Lesley Jeavons
Yes, just out a week or so ago. I thought I was going to be in the actual single video, but then last minute we found out there were two versions. This is a bugger as I was hoping to be on Madonna's Greatest Hits DVD out next week, but it's the other version that will be on it! Grrr. But, I've found out some people who were filmed for the fan video didn't make the final cut, so I'm now quite grateful to have ended up in anything at all!

Can you view youTube at work?

Re: Blink and you'll miss me in Madonna's Celebration

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:24 pm
by Jon Corby
Yes I can!

Wow Lesley, that's awesome! Well done.

The shine is taken off it a little for you by the fact that Matt Morrison is also in the video (at about 0:31 and then a few seconds later), but still, very impressive!

Re: Blink and you'll miss me in Madonna's Celebration

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 3:22 pm
by Sue Sanders
Well cool, Lesley. I'm no Madonna fan but that was a good watch.

How many Rosemary Conleys have you managed to make in your Rosemary Conley classes?