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new feature - challenge

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:30 am
by kevin manthorpe
Thanks to Charlie for the new attribute of apterous to check words longer than those declared, as if they were risky "declaration + 1" 's. SURPRISE!!

It was a bit of a puzzler, but figuring it out and then having Susie in DC say ' "butyouvegotthebiggestwangiveeverseen" isn't in there' loses its appeal after a few rounds.

I appreciate the usefulness of the new feature for checking words that were possibly left by the wayside, but another part of me wants to take the piss. (so sorry CR but if it weren't me it'd be... <fill in name>)

Surely you guys can come up something a little less peurile?

Gosh, are those flames I see below me??? :?

Re: new feature - challenge

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 1:43 am
by Charlie Reams
I was totally expecting this thread to be your suggestion for a new feature in which you could somehow "challenge" other players to some sort of "game". That would be really useful.