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Countdown/Scrabble Intersection

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:26 pm
by Michael Wallace
Prompted by the accusation that the forum is "a group of people who go to university and spend all their time playing scrabble." I thought I'd try and see to what extent people here do actually play Scrabble (because surely that's what Scrabble forums are for?).

Feel free to tell us in precise detail how much you play Scrabble (I'm hoping for average number of games per second). Or just vote so I can pretend I'm doing statistics.

(Coming soon - did you go to university, are you a virgin, and did you spend all your time at university playing scrabble whilst having sex with virgins.)

Re: Countdown/Scrabble Intersection

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 1:45 pm
by Jon O'Neill
I'm really fucking good but I hardly ever play. Rubbish game. Really.

Re: Countdown/Scrabble Intersection

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:17 pm
by Ben Wilson
I will admit I fall somewhere between the top two options, I blame it all on Darth Holden. :P

Incidentally I'm organising a tournament in Lincoln in June if anyone's interested... ;)

Re: Countdown/Scrabble Intersection

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:10 pm
by Gary Male
Michael Wallace wrote:Coming soon - did you go to university
Please include the option "No, although I did sleep on the floor in the room of Kirk's ex-girlfriend in university halls once" so I can vote truthfully.

Re: Countdown/Scrabble Intersection

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:27 pm
by Martin Gardner
I find Countdown is a lot more repetitive than Scrabble. It's nice to play one for a while, then have a break and play the other. Obviously with Scrabble, there's nothing remotely like a numbers game, so if I stopped playing Countdown (unlikely) I'd have no numbers fix.

Number of games? Erm when I was younger, about 21, I could play 20 games online a day, so more than 100 in a week. Now it's more three a day maximum, sometimes zero. I did once play about 9 games in a day at a tournament though.

Re: Countdown/Scrabble Intersection

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2009 4:28 pm
by Joseph Bolas
I used to play Scrabble now and then at Warrington but I don't really bother any more with Scrabble.

Re: Countdown/Scrabble Intersection

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:53 am
by Kirk Bevins
Gary Male wrote:
Please include the option "No, although I did sleep on the floor in the room of Kirk's ex-girlfriend in university halls once" so I can vote truthfully.
Oh yeah, bloody hell - I remember that. Why couldn't you sleep on my floor? Why were you in York anyway? Wow.