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GOTW Special Aptobash Edition

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:41 pm
by Paul Howe
This week's GOTW brings you the best of Aptobash II. Apologies if you played in an amazing non-aptobash game last week, and for the delay in getting the poll up. Normal GOTW service will resume on Sunday.

Bevins v Simmonds - Biggest cunting of the tournament in terms of score differential as the relentless Bevins crushing machine gets right up to speed in the first game.

Vanniasingham v Sfyris - Biggest points total of the tourney goes to Dinos, thanks to some good 9 spotting from both players.

Bevins v O'Neill - The tournament's first clash of the titans lives up to its billing. I can't decide if the final conundrum was farce, tragedy or comedy, but it was certainly epic drama.

Vanniasingham v Simmonds - A tight encounter, featuring a particularly lovely pick in rd 6 and a good comeback from Dan.

Mubeen v Bevins - Junaid inflicts the Bevmeister's only defeat of the tournament. I distinctly remember Kirk bungling a guess at the finanl conundrum, but it's not recorded in the game browser and I'm now wondering if I imagined the whole thing. Which is disappointing if true, because it means my imagination's really fucking anaemic.

That's your lot, Kirk's presence in 3 games reflects his status as honorary champion, even though the 3 game final had to be cancelled.

Re: GOTW Special Aptobash Edition

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:47 pm
by Michael Wallace
Can we have a write-in candidate?

(actually, now I look at it it's not as exciting as it felt)

edit: yes, yes, like my mom/penis/whatever

Re: GOTW Special Aptobash Edition

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 7:53 pm
by Lee Simmonds
Thanks soooo much Paul for drawing attention to my mauling at the hands of Kirk! And thanks Charlie for drawing me against Kirk early doors :evil: In my defence my chat had failed umpteen times by then and I was already stressed at having had to leave the room so many times.

Re: GOTW Special Aptobash Edition

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2009 8:05 pm
by Paul Howe
Michael Wallace wrote:Can we have a write-in candidate?

(actually, now I look at it it's not as exciting as it felt)

edit: yes, yes, like my mom/penis/whatever
I did agonise about that one, but I'm following a fairly strict policy of limiting things to 5 games so it didn't quite make the cut :( . Something I'm considering is allowing everyone two votes and increasing the number of poll options, I'm torn as to whether this is a good idea or not.
Lee Simmonds wrote:Thanks soooo much Paul for drawing attention to my mauling at the hands of Kirk!
You're welcome!

Re: GOTW Special Aptobash Edition

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:03 am
by Kirk Bevins
Paul Howe wrote: Mubeen v Bevins - Junaid inflicts the Bevmeister's only defeat of the tournament. I distinctly remember Kirk bungling a guess at the finanl conundrum, but it's not recorded in the game browser and I'm now wondering if I imagined the whole thing. Which is disappointing if true, because it means my imagination's really fucking anaemic.
I got EMERGENCY instantly and so would have won the game but it being crucial and it was an easy conundrum, I had to buzz quickly. With my fat fingers I managed to hit WE instead of just E for the first letter. Since the W was pressed first, I couldn't delete this and lots of swearing in my room ensued. A close game but I've claimed the moral victory ;)

Re: GOTW Special Aptobash Edition

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:34 am
by Dan Vanniasingham
Jono v Kirk was undoubtedly a worthy winner, but I'm glad Dinos' annihilation of me got a few votes. Each round felt like a painful blow. I'd challenge him to a fight to avenge it - but the result would be similar. :evil: