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Drunk Countdown

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:55 pm
by Matt Rutherford
Advance apologies if there has been a similar thread that I've missed. Am curious here-based on observations and discussions from the smattering of events I've been present at-how much alcohol impact your playing style?

I've seen how some of you animals have rocked up at events after the night before :P So how much does being inebirated/hungover impact your playing style? And (I'm teetotal, so I wouldn't know), if you makes you better, how? Same applies to Apterous

Re: Drunk Countdown

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:35 pm
by Fiona T
I'm sure I've shared this before - tis a joke, but definitely true for most of us. Definitely depends how drunk!


And HT to Callum for this :)

My recent-ish max game was after two very large gin and tonics :)

Re: Drunk Countdown

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 2:42 pm
by Thomas Carey
Steve Balog, wherever he is now, once suggested a version of countdown where your score is your points multiplied by your blood alcohol content. Not sure what the strategy is there. I find my numbers tend to go to shit far quicker than letters when drunk

Re: Drunk Countdown

Posted: Mon Aug 22, 2022 4:28 pm
by Andres Sanchez
I more so get sleep deprived some of the time and my Countdowning maybe seems to vary wildly; I got a 13-max game against someone late at night, but at the same time I've gotten worse after. Just depends on what I'm feeling, really.