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Calling all quiz enthusiasts in the South East

Posted: Sat May 31, 2014 7:14 pm
by Ned Pendleton
I've noticed that there seems to have been an upturn in apterous's general appetite for quizzing in the last six months or so.

Do any of you fancy playing in the quiz league of London summer friendly league? There's a couple of days left to sign up. It's a bit different from the normal team pub quiz. Brief explanation of how it works: You sign up as an individual and will be picked in an NFL-style draft to play for one of twelve teams. For eleven Tuesday nights starting at the beginning of July, three teams turn up at each of four pubs and all play eachother in 'QLL format' games. In these games each team has four players, each player gets asked eight individual questions, you can choose to answer it yourself for two points, or pass it to another member of your team for one point, otherwise it goes over to the other team for one point. Summer league games use a handicap system where points get added on depending on players previous experience and performance. For instance you would all be +8 handicaps given you've never played a game, I'll be around a +3 or +4 and the best player in the league will be +0. New players are sought after because of this so you would be likely to end up playing loads of games if you wanted, and be picked early in the draft.

Loads of info and summer league sign up here:

I've got into the whole quiz thing in a fairly big way in the last couple of years, this was my route into it. I've made some really good friends, and doing it extremely addictive in the same way as apterous - but it perhaps has more tangible benefits! Definitely potential for some of the clever young folk on apterous to become fine quizzers, many already are of course.

The standard of QLL players varies greatly, you'd be on teams alongside literally some of the best in the world, but also people who take it far less seriously and would be around the bottom of the quiz tournaments that happens on apterous. Summer league takes place in a relaxed atmosphere, no-one is going to mind if you get questions wrong, it is mostly there as a social event and a way of introducing players to the 'scene', if they enjoy it they can play in the slightly more serious QLL winter league which starts in October. Don't worry about being out of your depth, you won't be, no matter what your level is there will be others who are similar. There are several past or present apterites currently playing in QLL so there'd be a friendly face at whichever pub you're at each week I reckon.

It'd be great if some people from here signed up - the draft is on Tuesday 3rd, so I reckon you'd need to sign up by Monday or so. I've been meaning to start this thread earlier but kept forgetting. Would be good if people could spread the word on aptochat, Facebook etc to anyone else who might be interested.