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Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:22 pm
by Andrew Herbertson
My game versus Howard Somerset in the U1000 has not taken place due to not being able to arrange a suitable time, we hope it can take place this week.

Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 8:24 pm
by Matt Bayfield
I'm having a bit of difficulty getting a finish to my Round 1 Open tie with Kevin. Earlier today we managed one game of our best-of-three:

Game 1: Matt Bayfield 107 - 77 Kevin Davis

Following this game, at around 2:30 pm, apterous froze, and despite it coming back to life shortly afterwards, Kevin hasn't logged back into apterous or checked his c4c Private Messages since. I've been in the game room all day since then, but for whatever reason, it doesn't look likely he's going to turn up before the day is out.

Andrew: do you have any suggestions for how to resolve this? I'm happy to complete my fixture at some point in the future if that helps, although I am now going to be away for most of the next 3 days, and Kevin's apterous history suggests he's only online very rarely, so I doubt we'll be able to reach a conclusion anytime before you need to make the Round 2 draw. I am guessing you'll need to assume a result to make the draw?

Send both of us a PM if you don't want to clog this thread up with fixture-arranging chat.

Kevin: if you're around, please PM me with some times when you're available!

Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:24 pm
by Andrew Feist
If we don't see him in the remaining 90 minutes or so before the end of the day, then we'll call it a 1-0 match win.

What to do with Sfyris/Seasmith and Pettet/Dent will be more interesting....

Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 9:59 pm
by Howard Somerset
Andrew Herbertson wrote:My game versus Howard Somerset in the U1000 has not taken place due to not being able to arrange a suitable time, we hope it can take place this week.
I came on just to say the same thing, but you beat me to it, Andrew.

Since the U1000 is a round robin, will it be ok to play it as soon as both Andrew H and I are able to get on at the same time, Andrew F?

Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 10:59 pm
by Howard Somerset
Having asked to extend to next week, we managed to play it with minutes left.

Andrew 72 - 56 Howard
Howard 107 - 50 Andrew
Andrew 78 - 64 Howard

2 - 1 win to Andrew.

Thanks for the game, Andrew!

Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 12:02 am
by Kevin Davis
Matt Bayfield wrote:I'm having a bit of difficulty getting a finish to my Round 1 Open tie with Kevin. Earlier today we managed one game of our best-of-three:

Game 1: Matt Bayfield 107 - 77 Kevin Davis

Following this game, at around 2:30 pm, apterous froze, and despite it coming back to life shortly afterwards, Kevin hasn't logged back into apterous or checked his c4c Private Messages since. I've been in the game room all day since then, but for whatever reason, it doesn't look likely he's going to turn up before the day is out.

Andrew: do you have any suggestions for how to resolve this? I'm happy to complete my fixture at some point in the future if that helps, although I am now going to be away for most of the next 3 days, and Kevin's apterous history suggests he's only online very rarely, so I doubt we'll be able to reach a conclusion anytime before you need to make the Round 2 draw. I am guessing you'll need to assume a result to make the draw?

Send both of us a PM if you don't want to clog this thread up with fixture-arranging chat.

Kevin: if you're around, please PM me with some times when you're available!
Unfortunately, a lack of being able to log in, followed by an evening shift at work, led to me missing that. Matt would have probably ended up beating be anyway, but I offer my apologies for being unable to complete the game.

Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:45 am
by Dinos Sfyris
I've not got round to playing Dan Seasmith yet. Dan if you see this when do you want to play? I'm free pretty much all day tomorrow til 5pm if you're free.


Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 10:54 am
by Karen Pearson
Rich Priest wrote:The Open - EVERY time I play Karen Pearson it goes to the wire.This one was no different -

I was typing the first conundrum in only to find, to my intense frustration, that Karen had beaten me to it (haunting memories of LATCHWARL at CoLei 08).Thus feeling very fired up, I stormed away to win game 2.In game 3, I only had a slender lead because Karen was unlucky on one of the numbers rounds - I think she had the same as me but misdeclared.I certainly felt the pressure when the conundrum came up, but luckily I recognised it from somewhere before (not on apterous).Unlucky Karen.
Just you wait for CoLei. There will be no mercy! ;)

Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 9:26 pm
by Jeff Clayton
I am so looking forward to that.

Re: Apterous Summer Open 2010 Week 1

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:51 pm
by Matt Morrison
Matt Morrison wrote:u1200: Andy Wilson 74 - 80 Matt Morrison
Part 2: Andy Wilson 61 - 67 Matt Morrison. Odd game.