All discussion relevant to Countdown that is not too spoilerific. New members: come here first to introduce yourself. We don't bite, or at least rarely.
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Jon Corby
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Post by Jon Corby »

Is this forum getting you down? Are you fed up with people not agreeing with you about something, or just being on a forum run by Charlie Reams who you fucking hate? Does it annoy you that sometimes you don't get jokes, or are you just generally unable to occupy a forum that Charlie Reams is on?

Then you're in luck! There's an awesome new forum right here just waiting to accept you with open arms*!


It's definitely not a Countdown forum, although it is largely populated by the dregs from this place, plus Howard and Gavin and a few others who are okay. From what I can gather, Richard Brittain, Sue Sanders and Derek Hazell run it. DOESN'T IT ALREADY SOUND GREAT?

(*Provided you hate Charlie Reams!)

Yes, it's not a Countdown forum, but you can discuss all kinds of enlightening things, like ...er... food, and other things that Sue Sanders will allow! Most of all, YOU CAN SAY HOW MUCH YOU HATE CHARLIE FUCKING REAMS!! You don't even have to write his full name, you can call him CR or Reams, and everyone will know instantly who you're talking about, and instantly side with you in whatever vitriol you feel like venting at him! And the best thing is - HE CAN'T SEE IT. Well, actually, anybody can see it, but he can't reply, because it's not his forum! DOESN'T THAT SOUND GREAT?

Yes, this is a forum where there'll be no infighting, and everyone will be nice to each other provided you remember to ALWAYS HATE CHARLIE FUCKING REAMS! It'll be a little bit like this forum but without the hatred, only with loads of hatred but all directed at one person who isn't there!

You can be sure of a warm welcome, even if you're somebody who signed off from here by saying:
Andy Thomson wrote:Aw Jeez - another fucking weirdo!

Time to go.
when Oliver Garner (apologies for mentioning you by name Oliver) appeared on screen.
NBClaymore wrote:I'm indebted to Dez for inviting me. I had previously posted (briefly) in The Other Place but I soon found the behaviour of many members there quite wearying... I look forward to taking an active part in discussions, which hopefully on this board wil maintain decorum and good manners with none of the interminable and tedious bickering that goes on elsewhere. Regards to all.
(Yes, this is the same guy)
Allan Harmer wrote:Welcome to the site Andy - It sounds like you will fit like a glove here.

I totally agree with your your assessment of the intolerant members in the other forum.
See? Get away from these fucking weirdos now!

Here's a little selection of the gems you can enjoy if you sign up today:
Richard Brittain wrote:Reams is an exceptionally hateful individual. A very nasty piece of work; probably the most genuinely hateful person I've ever known. I've always given Reams plenty of space to repent and reconcile, but he always finds a way to twist things in his favour. He has an enormous ego. Unfortunately, I think he never goes outside, and only has online friends, so he just lives in a bizarre little bubble world and doesn't need to think about anyone but himself. But that's no excuse for being nasty; I've seen it enough times now - in any argument he will do his best to bring the opponent down emotionally, even if it's a woman, rather than honestly debate the actual subject matter. I have nothing but condemnation for him - he's very sneaky too, he isn't even aggressive in an up-front manner. He is capable of being friendly in short bursts in reality, as he has alluded to before, but don't be fooled by this.
That's right, Richard Brittain is a mod, and suggests Charlie has no real friends. YES, RICHARD FUCKING BRITTAIN SAYS STUFF LIKE THAT ON THIS FORUM.
Sue Sanders wrote:That would suggest Charlie has love and respect for his family. Do we have any evidence that he has?
Make up things about Charlie Reams and write them here with impunity!
Richard Brittain wrote:Countdowners usually have warped minds, but that group of self-obsessed nerds on the C4C forum are warped in the extreme. There is nothing you can say to them that will make them see what they are. Watching them gradually all gang up on you like a pack of hyenas was both bizarre and disgusting. I think Derek is right in suggesting that Reams is deeply insecure behind his front, but I think it can be said for a lot of them. That many of them let the herd mentality overcome them so easily hints at a deep void within their personas. You're not the first person that group has suddenly decided to savage, and you won't be the last. I hope for their sakes that they at some point grow up and see what they are, especially Reams, because if they don't - they will never change.
Again, that's right. Richard Brittain is accusing others of a warped mind.
Sue Sanders wrote:I do try and hold back about the 'Other Place' but do think I'll just take this opportunity to screech - God, Reams continues to be a twat!!
See? You can vomit forth utter hate-filled abuse, far in excess with what you'd get away with on here!! Remember also not to be ugly:
Sue Sanders wrote:Blimey - the ugly stick has been welded with relish on today's contestants!
That's right - you can write nasty shit about contestants! You can call contestants ugly, even if you're repulsive yourself! And they won't stumble across this forum because it's NOT a Countdown forum. It's a ..er.. forum about....

There's only one rule, DON'T take Sue Sanders on like she tried to take Charlie on:
Sue Sanders wrote:Anyone coming on making trouble will feel the wrath of one of my polite polls about what we should do to crush them!
but you are encouraged to troll here:
Julie T wrote:Wind up Damian time. Anyone fancy joining in?
Sue Sanders wrote:Really, what we should do it all go back on c4c en masse and cruxify him
I dunno what cruxify is, but I'm sure it's bad!

The real beauty is that you can continue to use this forum (provided you don't publicly flounce off), PLUS you can also still use the awesome apterous that Charlie wrote and maintains almost entirely single-handed. That's right, we've checked with the legal department and HATING HIS FUCKING GUTS and SPEWING BILE about him on this new forum DOES NOT affect your rights to benefit from his hard work! ISN'T THAT GREAT? If you do continue to use C4C though, all Sue asks is that you don't agree with Charlie on anything, otherwise (regardless of how many times you've publicly disagreed) you might go, for example, from:
Sue Sanders wrote:We should invite Damo to our little forum!
Sue Sanders wrote:...Damo slavering over Reams is really more than I want to have to read.

Matthew could call the baby 'Charlie' and let Damo clean its arse with his tongue.
Sue Sanders wrote:I'm pleased to see how inconspicuous Reams is on aptochat. Not sure he can stop wanking Damo off long enough to get involved in chat.
Still, Damian isn't shown in a great light by Clive Brooker either:
Clive Brooker wrote:
Julie Taylor wrote:I'd already made up my mind before not to apply till Damian 'the arsehole' goes. It's got to happen sometime.
Yesterday on the c4c forum Damian said "Gavin and Julie, the gruesome twosome, who between them have so few brain cells they know them all by name."
Just confirms that I was right.
Needless to say DE is the "one source" I referred to. I do apologise for not backing you up publicly this occasion. I was guilty of hesitating too long as usual.

I still think that you're in danger of cutting off your nose to spite your face. Damian's been there a long time and is evidently delivering what his masters want, so why would anyone want him to leave? What I will do is PM you with my experience of the gentleman on my recording day. I still intend to publicise this more widely with an addition to Mike Brown's "experiences" page, something which I've started a few times. It's all about finding the right angle, but my view does shift over time.
Clive Brooker wrote:What the hell - here will do!

As briefly as possible: the contestants had all made it to the green room, and were sussing each other out (do I need that strategic migraine or not?). DE marched into the room, and I naturally expected him to welcome us and wish us all good luck. Instead he blanked everyone, made straight for the four-time returning champion, Jacqueline Baker, chatted to her like an old friend for a few moments, then disappeared again. My immediate thought - what an ignorant pillock.

I was actually quite upset, but obviously didn't want to let it bother me. When I had the chance, I mentioned it to my "minder" (forgotten her name, but she was very nice). She said (rough paraphrase) that he's an Asperger's sufferer, and he knows it does sometimes get him into trouble. So perhaps that's all it is - whenever he's a pain he's best ignored. Not always easy though.
ZOMG Damian didn't speak to him. He'd best not lose their support, or they won't have an audience, as Derek says about the upcoming finals:
Derek Hazell wrote:So, apart from Howard (and apparently Richard Priest and Dinos as well) nobody then? I don't think I will be going after all, as it's just to close to my last trip up there. Looks like it's going to be a pretty low turnout this year, and still no mention at all at the other place. Would be pretty bad if they had to pad out the audience with crew members for a final!!
because all the audience come from c4c. That's right!

Finally, all good forums need humour. If you don't agree with Sue's sense of humour, you might find yourself driven off the forum like mr ultraviolet by lines such as:
Sue Sanders wrote:I think being too funny might be the least of your problems ....or maybe our problems.

Feel free to have another go, though, I'm happy to continue judging you harshly
Sue Sanders wrote:Yep - my first impression was right. It's not funny, mate. I expect you're often heard to declare 'dont mind me, I'm mad'.

You're not.

You're delusional.
but if not then you can laugh at Sue's jokes, such as:
Sue Sanders wrote:I hate you all. I'm flouncing off!
That's right! She's mocking... oh wait, most of the people on her forum. Whoops!
Sue Sanders wrote:I made a rather splendid 'Bakewell' tart for my Dad the other day. Instead of making in in a pastry case, I made it in a shortbread biscuit case. It was very delicious, though I say it myself.

I have presented 'Bakewell' thusly, because I'm not the Bakewell tart shop in Bakewell so can't call it a Bakewell tart. And that's fair enough because my tart, splendid as it is isn't a patch on theirs.

Oh, and bye to Julie T and James Doohan. They're leaving here apparently. Julie was contemplating doing an advert for THE NEW FORUM, so I thought I'd save her the bother. I dunno much about James Doohan, but I'm guessing he's a prick too. SEE YA.

So there you go. It's a teeny bit like here, except it's not a Countdown forum, it's a *mumbles incoherently*, but with Sue being more power-crazed and hate-filled than Charlie could ever dream of getting. That address again: http://offtopic.phphope.net/

Jesus, what a bunch of retards. Have a word with yourselves. Can you not see any hypocrisy? REALLY?
Last edited by Jon Corby on Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Jon Corby »

Apologies for curtailing that post slightly. There was just too much Reams-centric bile, retarded hypocrisy and general clagnuts that I got kinda bored collating it. After a while I realised I was just replicating their entire forum.
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Post by David O'Donnell »

This is the best post I have ever read.

I would offer to fellate you if I thought the rejection wouldn't fuel my abandonment complex.
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Post by Jon Corby »

Cheers Doddy. By the way, I never had (and don't have) any beef with Derek, I only included that post of his because it made me laugh, and to be fair to him he has actually tried to chat about all sorts and not just slate Charlie. Sue is a fucking grade A pillock, who didn't like not being Charlie (or being able to live with him) so wanted to be her own Charlie somewhere else, and Richard Brittain is just a fucking nut.
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Charlie Reams
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Post by Charlie Reams »

I've genuinely never been more flattered. A whole forum about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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Post by David O'Donnell »

Jon Corby wrote:Cheers Doddy. By the way, I never had (and don't have) any beef with Derek, I only included that post of his because it made me laugh, and to be fair to him he has actually tried to chat about all sorts and not just slate Charlie. Sue is a fucking grade A pillock, who didn't like not being Charlie (or being able to live with him) so wanted to be her own Charlie somewhere else, and Richard Brittain is just a fucking nut.
Yeah, I am with you on most points. I don't know why but I feel the need to also do a run down on the main protagonists of the other forum:

Derek is a rather harmless, good-natured soul, who did irritate me on occasion but that's to do with my own 'issues' rather than his;
RB is a nut but at the CoC I have to say he retracted all that anti-Zionist stuff and basically admitted he did it to get attention so I dunno I guess I feel a little sorry that he has to resort to that type of stunt;
Sue has revealed herself to be more intolerant and more the unremitting bully than anything she ever fallaciously accused Charlie of being;
Julie Taylor is a nice lady who is obviously very sensitive (and having met her I don't really think causing a fracas on the forum is her style);
James Doohan, while being Irish (I think?), is someone ... I guess... actually I don't have a fucking clue who he is.

I guess, in summary, we have two forums: anyone deeply unhappy here should go; anyone happy here should stay; anyone who doesn't want to miss a tiny titbit of scandalous gossip should just join both.

When I offered my Grandad a top up at a birthday party a few years ago he replied: "I know a man who has taken two and is living yet" so I guess the same could apply here.
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Post by David O'Donnell »

Charlie Reams wrote:I've genuinely never been more flattered. A whole forum about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

You narcissistic cunt! Where do I sign up for the other forum again?
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Post by Jon Corby »

Charlie Reams wrote:I've genuinely never been more flattered. A whole forum about meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
How ironic, considering that was your intention in starting this one.
David Williams
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Post by David Williams »

I was reading the Name My Child thread and thinking that I sometimes feel I don't quite know what's going on. Now I'm sure of it.

Anyway, I'm off to join the new lot. I'm voting UKIP as well.
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Post by David O'Donnell »

David Williams wrote:I was reading the Name My Child thread and thinking that I sometimes feel I don't quite know what's going on. Now I'm sure of it.

Anyway, I'm off to join the new lot. I'm voting UKIP as well.
David, I am not sure what to make of you at times but this is LOL! I will see you there, the new forum sounds awesome. Finally I can call Reams out for the complete mother &&*%&%$& %$&%$& %$&54 75467 56%^$ he is without the possibility of censure .... and I think I have made it clear where his main failings lie.
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Post by Jon Corby »

This is kinda weird, but I actually dunno how to reply to this other than writing it here!
Derek Hazell wrote:I know we wanted to choose our own time to go public with this forum, but former Countdown finalist Jon Corby has now done it for us!

Someone on here obviously shared their log-in details with him, as he has logged in and searched for any negativity among the almost two thousand posts, and then posted it in the other place. He has also unfortunately referred to many of the members here as "dregs". Such a shame from a man I have always respected.

The irony is, if he had applied to be a member in the normal way, he would have been accepted. There was no need to make it hard for himself by doing it through someone else's account.

Anyway, just thought I'd let you know. As you were.
I didn't really need to search for the negativity Derek, it's fairly abundant from certain people. As I said above, I don't necessarily include you in this - you've passed the odd comment on Charlie, but only to contribute to an ongoing discussion, and in a perfectly reasonable manner. I reiterate that I never had a problem with you and I think you'll probably agree that I defended you in your spat with Charlie, yeah? And we had several nice private conversations, and we're cool as far as I'm concerned.

But if I had joined your forum, then I wouldn't have been able to let Sue (and others) spout off like that about Charlie. He's a mate, he's done a lot for all of us, and above all else as I've said it's just breathtaking hypocrisy. Whatever you might think, people don't really get away with spouting venom on here. Sure people air their grievances, but (unless nobody disagrees) someone will counter it, and we go from there. So on your forum, I would've told Sue that she was being stupid and a hypocrite. And guilty, as Doddy says, of far worse than she ever accused Charlie of. And she'd respond presumably. And I'd respond. And, being a mod, she'd presumably eventually silence me or whatever. Either way, where would that leave your little paradise? So no, I don't think I'd fit in. Because I'm not a slavering Charlie hater. I don't agree with everything he does, as you know, and when this is the case I tell him so, and we have a reasoned debate and sort it out like adults.

PS. I said there were dregs, and some cool people too, without going into more detail than that... if the cap fits.
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Post by Ben Hunter »

I'd have a look but it's too much faffing about to sign up.

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Post by Charlie Reams »

Clive Brooker wrote: As briefly as possible: the contestants had all made it to the green room, and were sussing each other out (do I need that strategic migraine or not?). DE marched into the room, and I naturally expected him to welcome us and wish us all good luck. Instead he blanked everyone, made straight for the four-time returning champion, Jacqueline Baker, chatted to her like an old friend for a few moments, then disappeared again. My immediate thought - what an ignorant pillock.

I was actually quite upset, but obviously didn't want to let it bother me. When I had the chance, I mentioned it to my "minder" (forgotten her name, but she was very nice). She said (rough paraphrase) that he's an Asperger's sufferer, and he knows it does sometimes get him into trouble. So perhaps that's all it is - whenever he's a pain he's best ignored. Not always easy though.
I skipped over this the first time. Jesus. Stop producing the show, everyone, Clive Brooker is here! Unbelievably pathetic.

Still, it's good to see that, after sending me some rambling email about how he hates my dad and is never going to speak to me again, Richard Brittain has in fact spent several weeks and hundreds of words writing all about me somewhere else. It would be cute if it wasn't so tragic.
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Post by Jon Corby »

Happy birthday to Les Butterworth, by the way.
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Post by D Eadie »

For what its worth Clive, thats if you ever read this, i don't always know who the contestants are in the green room, as we allow them to be escorted by friends and family, so even when there are only 3 games to play in the afternoon, there can be 12 people sat in the green room and not all our contestants supply us with a photograph.

Apologies if you felt marginalised or somehow maligned by my 'marching' in and out again without comforting you in your hour of need. The 'pillock' tends to nip into the green room during his dinner hour and on average on a 10hr studio day, gets about 15 mins to himself, that includes ringing home to speak to the kids who haven't seen their dad for 2 or 3 days, having a quick smoke and believe it or not, eating some food. Enjoy your new found forum, you can spew out whatever you like, i won't be reading it.

Oh and for what it's worth, about me being an apergers sufferer etc, for a start it isn't true, and you've just proved your ignorance to a whole lot of people who'll be reading your bile. And lastly, you put that you were 'actually quite upset' that i didn't speak to you, all i can say to that is what kind of man are you? Pathetic just about sums it up. Say what you like about me on Mike Brown's experience page Clive - all i can say is this..............I DID speak to you during your time at the studios, and when stood toe to toe, face to face, you didn't have the balls, guts, inclination or forethought to mention anything to me about what sort of person you deemed me to be, but your happy to diss me via the internet. I think this says more about you than i ever could, so i'll leave it at that.
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Post by Jon Corby »

Apologies for sticking that in Damian, but I thought you had a right to see the shit that was being written about you elsewhere in what is essentially a public forum.

That's assuming you can remove your head from Charlie's arse long enough to read it. Or something. Apparently.
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Post by David O'Donnell »

Richard Brittain wrote:Richard Brittain wrote:
David entirely made this up. He's quite a tragic case, and deeply paranoid about me being a Nazi. He confronted me about it at the CoC and I said something to the effect of, 'No, of course I don't hate Jews, as I am a son of Abraham'. No idea why he felt it necessary to make up a lie about me.

Interesting how it has all gone to Charlie's head so quickly! As far as I remember, I made one post about him on here, which took about one minute, in a thread which was specifically about Charlie's hatred.

"Richard Brittain has in fact spent several weeks and hundreds of words writing all about me somewhere else."

What a bizarre little man!
I don't really mind your lying about me ... again ... Richard. I have done all I can to look out for you because I felt you were about to make the type of mistakes I made when I was younger. I held non-nonsensical ideas and glued them together with my own peculiar brand of paranoia. I levelled with you because I thought it was something that you really needed to hear. At every turn you have betrayed my confidence, posting personal things about me (especially on apterous) that I only divulged to you because I thought it might help you. I suppose this biblical metaphor shall please you but like Pontius I shall wash my hands of you.
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Matthew Green
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Post by Matthew Green »

Funny thing about all this is, the villains (which I am taking to be me, JC, DE, the devil himself Reams and a few others) are all actually quite normal, have partners, kids, jobs etc and can actually function in the real world. Can the same be said about these cretins? They are the real dropouts of this world, lonely weirdo's floating around the web getting themselves worked up over throwaway comments by people they dont know. Laughable
If I suddenly have a squirming baby on my lap it probably means that I should start paying it some attention and stop wasting my time messing around on a Countdown forum
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Post by D Eadie »

Jon Corby wrote:Apologies for sticking that in Damian, but I thought you had a right to see the shit that was being written about you elsewhere in what is essentially a public forum.

That's assuming you can remove your head from Charlie's arse long enough to read it. Or something. Apparently.

I don't mind one bit Jon. I don't care who says what about me really, so long as there's an element of truth in it somewhere, but i think from memory, Clive kicked off about his Countdown experience not long after it was shown, because sadly, like many others in the past, he over-assessed his potential and came out on the losing side and found it almost impossible to accept.

Am i bothered? Hmm, i run the greatest show on TV which, as i forecast on here prior to the new launch, is better than it's ever been. I'll let Clive do the maths. ;)
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Post by Michael Wallace »

Wow... this is amazing. Hilarious, but amazing.

I think this one highlight alone is what says it all for me:
Sue Sanders wrote:Blimey - the ugly stick has been welded with relish on today's contestants!
If anyone wants to leave here and join there after reading that, then good riddance.
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Post by Andy Wilson »

I cry.
David Williams
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Post by David Williams »

David O'Donnell wrote:
David Williams wrote:I was reading the Name My Child thread and thinking that I sometimes feel I don't quite know what's going on. Now I'm sure of it.

Anyway, I'm off to join the new lot. I'm voting UKIP as well.
David, I am not sure what to make of you at times but this is LOL!
I'm the voice of reason. The EEC was set up to promote free trade and stop France and Germany going to war every few years. It succeeded so admirably it became unnecessary. Voting UKIP is the only option.
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Post by David Williams »

Michael Wallace wrote:Wow... this is amazing. Hilarious, but amazing.

I think this one highlight alone is what says it all for me:
Sue Sanders wrote:Blimey - the ugly stick has been welded with relish on today's contestants!
If anyone wants to leave here and join there after reading that, then good riddance.
You're being a bit unfair here. If you read it closely you'll see it's actually from the Cookery section. I don't actually know what sort of relish is strong enough to weld sticks, but we're not going to learn that sort of stuff from Charlie, are we?
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Post by D Eadie »

David Williams........putting the 'kip' into UKIP.


Come on David, you've been 'browsing' for about 15 mins now, it can't be that hard to think of a riposte surely? :mrgreen:
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Post by David Williams »

Damian Eadie........ irony-free zone.

Good night.
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Post by JimBentley »

Having read all that, and registered on the other forum and read some stuff, I still don't really understand what's wrong with this place. Yes, it can be slightly brutal (usually with good reason) but for fuck's sake, get a thicker skin. If you can't take it on an internet forum then the internet probably isn't the best place for you, because there's a lot worse than this out there.
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Post by D Eadie »

David Williams wrote:Damian Eadie........ irony-free zone.

Good night.

LOL - i was kidding !!!
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Post by D Eadie »

JimBentley wrote:Having read all that, and registered on the other forum and read some stuff, I still don't really understand what's wrong with this place. Yes, it can be slightly brutal (usually with good reason) but for fuck's sake, get a thicker skin. If you can't take it on an internet forum then the internet probably isn't the best place for you, because there's a lot worse than this out there.

Oh shut up you ugly twat. :mrgreen:
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Post by JimBentley »

D Eadie wrote:
JimBentley wrote:Having read all that, and registered on the other forum and read some stuff, I still don't really understand what's wrong with this place. Yes, it can be slightly brutal (usually with good reason) but for fuck's sake, get a thicker skin. If you can't take it on an internet forum then the internet probably isn't the best place for you, because there's a lot worse than this out there.

Oh shut up you ugly twat. :mrgreen:
I'll accept the 'ugly' but the 'twat'...oh yeah you're probably right. Got me on both counts.
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Post by Martin_May »

WOW :shock: :o

Either I've been generally ignorant of the (mild?) hostility between apterites, or this has flared up MASSIVELY quite recently. I'm not one for random posting (I think), but having read this thread, and some of the comments regarding CR, DE, JC, RB, SS etc etc, what the f**k is all this about?? I knew about the spat between Sue and Charlie, and the fact that RB is a wailing turd, but I didn't realise that a rival faction has been created!

Based on my Countdown experience, I thought that Damian was a really sound guy, given the huge responsibilities he has to handle. I didn't speak to him much either, but if a lack of banter is enough to start a tasteless verbal tirade, perhaps the Green Room should be padded in future. As for Charlie, I've never met him, but considering the shite that he has to put up with on occasions to keep the hundreds of apterites and thousands of c4c members happy, methinks some expect too much......

If any of this is wrong and you have any issues regarding my comments, feel free to keep them to your fucking selves :!: :!: :lol: :lol:
Ryan Taylor
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Post by Ryan Taylor »

Wow this was a surprise to wake up to. I had no idea all this hate existed but that is because I am relatively new to the whole forum and "Countdown community" thing. FWIW when I met Charlie, despite being southern, I liked him and he has created one cool site in apterous. If apterous didn't exist I wouldn't be typing this message now as when I went on the show I would have been soundly beaten in the first game whisked away and just been made to happily have my 15 minutes of fame. So there is a lot, in my opinion to thank Charlie for. And this whole 'Countdown' experience which is purely down to a chance encounter with apterous one night. Also I thought Damian was cool too when I briefly spoke in make-up so think Clive's interpretation is slightly critical, it was clear that Damian was very busy each day. I met Jon at CoLin 2010 too and even though he had criticised me on the forum for my gamesmanship he was thoroughly pleasant. And I also met Derek (with that wacky wig) and Sue and Julie T and all are very nice people. This post doesn't have much of a point to it, but basically I was shocked by what I saw had been written and the hatred that exists between people who I regard to be very pleasant people. But yeah, I think I will stick on this forum for sure as I do like it as I begin to use it more. Maybe I will be lynched for such an arselickey post but I just thought I would express my view. Give peace a chance.

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Post by Ian Volante »

lol drama.

As said above (probably, although people may have been sarcastic), I can't believe how bloody worked up people get about all this shit. It's the internet, people present personae (must remember that word) that are but a fraction of their real selves. Get over it you fucks! :D
meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles meles
Gavin Chipper
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Post by Gavin Chipper »

Although its "discovery" created this initial backlash, I tend to think "secret" forums aren't the best solution. I'm quite happy to be a member both here and there, and there's no-one that upsets me at either place. I actually sometimes quite enjoy the "banter" with Damian (though I've no idea what he actually thinks of it) and while I did say something about Charlie on the other forum, it's not much different to what I said in a thread on here recently. It's also interesting what Charlie said about no-one he knows in real life would call him cold - he doesn't come across as a cold person in the podcats either. It's just sometimes in writing and maybe one day we'll met in real life.

But on the other hand, I can see why people do get upset sometimes and I tend to think it's best not to judge people too harshly, on either side.
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Last edited by Andy Wilson on Sun Apr 25, 2010 1:19 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Charlie Reams
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Post by Charlie Reams »

Gavin Chipper wrote:Although its "discovery" created this initial backlash, I tend to think "secret" forums aren't the best solution. I'm quite happy to be a member both here and there, and there's no-one that upsets me at either place. I actually sometimes quite enjoy the "banter" with Damian (though I've no idea what he actually thinks of it) and while I did say something about Charlie on the other forum, it's not much different to what I said in a thread on here recently. It's also interesting what Charlie said about no-one he knows in real life would call him cold - he doesn't come across as a cold person in the podcats either. It's just sometimes in writing and maybe one day we'll met in real life.

But on the other hand, I can see why people do get upset sometimes and I tend to think it's best not to judge people too harshly, on either side.
FWIW, Gev, I think you're alright.
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Post by D Eadie »

Can't seriously say it bothers me Gevin, and if people want to slate me in the comfort of their own cyber-existence, then i'll live with it.
I suppose what might change my stance is if someone i know gets in touch with me in the future and says ' hey have you seen all that stuff they are saying' etc. If it's he's a dickhead etc then its no biggy, but if it gets professionally slanderous then maybe i'll do something about it, maybe i won't. At the minute i'm regretting ever being so accessible to any of the Countdown forums and welcoming the inhabitants into my world and work. I think i'll steer clear from now on and leave you all to it.
Gavin Chipper
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Post by Gavin Chipper »

D Eadie wrote:Can't seriously say it bothers me Gevin, and if people want to slate me in the comfort of their own cyber-existence, then i'll live with it.
I was more referring to you slating me - sometimes I think it's funny because it's so over the top.
I suppose what might change my stance is if someone i know gets in touch with me in the future and says ' hey have you seen all that stuff they are saying' etc. If it's he's a dickhead etc then its no biggy, but if it gets professionally slanderous then maybe i'll do something about it, maybe i won't. At the minute i'm regretting ever being so accessible to any of the Countdown forums and welcoming the inhabitants into my world and work. I think i'll steer clear from now on and leave you all to it.
There's obviously been give and take with these comments, but I wouldn't say there's much point regretting it. I can't see that any real harm has been done, to you or your career.
Marc Meakin
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Post by Marc Meakin »

John, you've really gone down in my estimation.........................................since I found out you're friends with Zef.
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Post by Marc Meakin »

D Eadie wrote:Can't seriously say it bothers me Gevin, and if people want to slate me in the comfort of their own cyber-existence, then i'll live with it.
I suppose what might change my stance is if someone i know gets in touch with me in the future and says ' hey have you seen all that stuff they are saying' etc. If it's he's a dickhead etc then its no biggy, but if it gets professionally slanderous then maybe i'll do something about it, maybe i won't. At the minute i'm regretting ever being so accessible to any of the Countdown forums and welcoming the inhabitants into my world and work. I think i'll steer clear from now on and leave you all to it.
I do hope your last comment is a knee jerk reaction, and that you will still be contributing.
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Post by Jon Corby »

Marc Meakin wrote:John, you've really gone down in my estimation.........................................since I found out you're friends with Zef.
That's a shame Mark. I only wish they'd signed up under a more salubrious pseudonym so you'd all think I was friends with somebody much more impressive...
Jeff Clayton
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Post by Jeff Clayton »

So, have the instigators got what they wanted out of all this now?
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Andy Wilson
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Post by Andy Wilson »

Jeff Clayton wrote:So, have the instigators got what they wanted out of all this now?
whoever you mean, we've all wasted enough time worrying about the whole dealy
Gavin Chipper
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Post by Gavin Chipper »

Jon Corby wrote:Is this forum getting you down? Are you fed up with people not agreeing with you about something, or just being on a forum run by Charlie Reams who you fucking hate? Does it annoy you that sometimes you don't get jokes, or are you just generally unable to occupy a forum that Charlie Reams is on?

Then you're in luck! There's an awesome new forum right here just waiting to accept you with open arms*!
One thing I will say is that the c4c brand (although not this particular incarnation) was born in very much the same way, except with a different name instead of "Charlie Reams".
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Post by David O'Donnell »

Gavin Chipper wrote:
Jon Corby wrote:Is this forum getting you down? Are you fed up with people not agreeing with you about something, or just being on a forum run by Charlie Reams who you fucking hate? Does it annoy you that sometimes you don't get jokes, or are you just generally unable to occupy a forum that Charlie Reams is on?

Then you're in luck! There's an awesome new forum right here just waiting to accept you with open arms*!
One thing I will say is that the c4c brand (although not this particular incarnation) was born in very much the same way, except with a different name instead of "Charlie Reams".
1097 members, seems like "I hate Gevin" is a bigger rallying cry than "I hate Charlie reams".
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Charlie Reams
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Post by Charlie Reams »

David O'Donnell wrote:1097 members, seems like "I hate Gevin" is a bigger rallying cry than "I hate Charlie reams".
Haha. Ultimately whoever gets to run a forum like this, it's something of a personality contest since there's not much else to it. And outside the world of Tits But No Talent, I seem to have maintained the necessary degree of popularity without pretending to be super nice all the time. I'm sure many other people would have done the job better if they'd wanted to, and I wouldn't have ended up doing it at all but for the grace of Gevin. Ho hum.
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Post by Jon O'Neill »

Charlie Reams wrote:
David O'Donnell wrote:1097 members, seems like "I hate Gevin" is a bigger rallying cry than "I hate Charlie reams".
Haha. Ultimately whoever gets to run a forum like this, it's something of a personality contest since there's not much else to it. And outside the world of Tits But No Talent, I seem to have maintained the necessary degree of popularity without pretending to be super nice all the time. I'm sure many other people would have done the job better if they'd wanted to, and I wouldn't have ended up doing it at all but for the grace of Gevin. Ho hum.
Bring back Holden.
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Post by Lesley Hines »

Charlie Reams wrote:Tits But No Talent
Oi! Do you mind? Jubblies like these are a talent in their own right, thank you very much! And I can kill houseplants faster than anyone else I know :lol:

I think it's at least a fair stretch to assume all forum members had even read those posts, let alone agreed with them. Personally, I'd done neither.
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Post by Ben Wilson »

Gavin Chipper wrote:
Jon Corby wrote:Is this forum getting you down? Are you fed up with people not agreeing with you about something, or just being on a forum run by Charlie Reams who you fucking hate? Does it annoy you that sometimes you don't get jokes, or are you just generally unable to occupy a forum that Charlie Reams is on?

Then you're in luck! There's an awesome new forum right here just waiting to accept you with open arms*!
One thing I will say is that the c4c brand (although not this particular incarnation) was born in very much the same way, except with a different name instead of "Charlie Reams".
Six years on and you're STILL butthurt?
Gavin Chipper
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Post by Gavin Chipper »

Ben Wilson wrote:
Gavin Chipper wrote:
Jon Corby wrote:Is this forum getting you down? Are you fed up with people not agreeing with you about something, or just being on a forum run by Charlie Reams who you fucking hate? Does it annoy you that sometimes you don't get jokes, or are you just generally unable to occupy a forum that Charlie Reams is on?

Then you're in luck! There's an awesome new forum right here just waiting to accept you with open arms*!
One thing I will say is that the c4c brand (although not this particular incarnation) was born in very much the same way, except with a different name instead of "Charlie Reams".
Six years on and you're STILL butthurt?
Nah, I'm fine. This place is actually much better than the Yahoo Group I set up anyway, whereas Holden's wasn't.
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Post by Tom »

What a great post Jon I must say. I didn't think some people had it in for Charlie so much - only met him once where he seemed more than pleasant and Apterous I've only praised before and the bad comment made about Damian is the only bad one I've read or heard ever. Unlikely I'd ever migrate over, this is a good, established forum for me which I enjoy reading the posts and my posts in the last 2 years probably equate to less than 0.1%

Dunno about intolerance and wearying behaviour of members, I know a lot of you regular contributors are recent champions and seriously good players and I'm sure if I met you in the flesh you'd be fine - I should really come to a CO-event again one day to find out.

Best thread I've read for a long long time. The days of 2001/2002 when there was only the C4 forum and you could post under any name were the days ;) where Zef got slaughtered and probably for the want of asking and I think itwas the beginning of the end for him. Anyone called Zef been on lately out of interest?
Probably the second tallest ever series finalist.
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Post by Charlie Reams »

Lesley Hines wrote:
Charlie Reams wrote:Tits But No Talent
Oi! Do you mind? Jubblies like these are a talent in their own right, thank you very much! And I can kill houseplants faster than anyone else I know :lol:
Sorry, I didn't mean to imply that everyone with tits has no talent. The opposite if anything.
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Post by Sue Sanders »

I don’t have the time on my hands that you seem to have Jon, to dedicate to this (you’ve been squirrelling things away since at least mid- March haven’t you?) but here are a few points. The ‘Reams continues to be a twat’ quote that you’ve used, is somewhat redundant because it was self- censored by me a couple of days after posting it; I’d realised I‘d gone a bit Daily Mail Reader ranty. I often shout at the radio when the Jeremy Vine show is on and do theatrically good hand gestures during my brief bouts of road rage. I get feisty, sometimes. I’m surprised you see it as unique behaviour, all things considered. However, well done on picking it up, and saving it during that three day window of opportunity all those weeks ago. And of course, I do think Charlie is a twat even if I did decide to water it down a tad!

As for those apparently really nasty responses to one of the contributors, where I tell him I’ll judge him harshly and that he’s deluded? Well, just for the record, here’s one of the offerings from someone who comically called himself Mr. Ultraviolet and without preamble, introduction, explanation, request for feedback or interaction of any other sort, chose the forum to showcase his comedic writings……

So you think you have problems,ive got spiritual antlers sticking out of my head directing spiritual traffic to a dot.When they ask me in a form what nationality i am i just say other...other side of dying.....omnipotent.....a universal omnipotent tent that is in a constant free festival of fun........eons before the year dot...or watchs were even invented....by idiots.....im never on time and i never will be....and anyway im not late universally...who needs stress when your dead.

You might be thinking – she’s had a run in with a mentalist there, you can’t pick on people who are poorly in the brain, but no – Derek had FB exchanges with ‘Colin’ and he genuinely was touting this round as potential material and claimed to have been ‘in the business’ for years.

I think if someone had hijacked c4c with paragraph after paragraph of this drivel, you’d have ripped him to shreds. Even the mild mannered Andy Wilson offered to hold the door open for him on the way out.

We had a similar problem with a God botherer from Hong Kong – again, no interaction, just links to youtube clips that would apparently prove the existence of God, and paragraph after paragraph of bible texts. I posted a couple of one line responses along the ‘not really interested’ line but did also invite her to explain her beliefs in her own words rather than just quoting the bible. When she continued with the bible texts, I set a poll asking whether people wanted me to lock the threads she was hijacking or leave it a bit. She actually just took herself off a day or so later anyway but that explains ‘Anyone coming on making trouble will feel the wrath of one of my polite polls about what we should do to crush them!’ It’s all in the context!

The fact that I don’t like Charlie isn’t fresh news. Along with the basic clash of personalities thing, yes, I did find it objectionable, for example to read his statement along the lines of no-one is interested in anything Sue Sanders writes, and to be sniped at, at fairly regularly intervals, sometimes just days after perfectly amicable face to face exchanges at an event. The popularity poll must have been a further aggravation, and prompted his curious posts in December on the spoilers thread, where in the space of five minutes he reminded me that he had more votes than me on the popularity poll (yep, to be expected) and then followed that up with a suggestion that the popularity poll isn’t worth the paper it’s written on (er…ok). That just takes things down a no win cul-de-sac, so I decided to bow out for a while. I did it on my birthday thread to keep it low key. I did return a few days later, essentially to respond to the nasty comments he was making, and after a brief locking of antlers, quite understandably, other people wanted it put to bed. I then unexpectedly received a public apology from Charlie – and I will confess to not knowing then or now whether it was genuine.

The immediate response to that apology being posted was that Jon Corby sent me a private message, asking me whether I believed it was genuine. Oh dear – fell right into the hands of the shit stirrer!

Anyway – as I say, it’s no secret that Charlie makes my hackles rise and those of you who’ve met me know I’m feisty. So I’ve vented some spleen about him personally in about 1 % of posts I’ve made on another forum. So, what the heck! However, seeing as apparently I’m really offended by rudeness, I’m being a total hypocrite. There’s me, got to 45 years of age thinking I know myself pretty well but thank goodness Jon Corby has come along and made an end of term project to put me right!!! Phew. I hope he found time to make me a hair shirt to wear!!
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Post by David O'Donnell »

Sue Sanders wrote:I don’t have the time on my hands that you seem to have Jon, to dedicate to this (you’ve been squirrelling things away since at least mid- March haven’t you?) but here are a few points. The ‘Reams continues to be a twat’ quote that you’ve used, is somewhat redundant because it was self- censored by me a couple of days after posting it; I’d realised I‘d gone a bit Daily Mail Reader ranty. I often shout at the radio when the Jeremy Vine show is on and do theatrically good hand gestures during my brief bouts of road rage. I get feisty, sometimes. I’m surprised you see it as unique behaviour, all things considered. However, well done on picking it up, and saving it during that three day window of opportunity all those weeks ago. And of course, I do think Charlie is a twat even if I did decide to water it down a tad!

As for those apparently really nasty responses to one of the contributors, where I tell him I’ll judge him harshly and that he’s deluded? Well, just for the record, here’s one of the offerings from someone who comically called himself Mr. Ultraviolet and without preamble, introduction, explanation, request for feedback or interaction of any other sort, chose the forum to showcase his comedic writings……

So you think you have problems,ive got spiritual antlers sticking out of my head directing spiritual traffic to a dot.When they ask me in a form what nationality i am i just say other...other side of dying.....omnipotent.....a universal omnipotent tent that is in a constant free festival of fun........eons before the year dot...or watchs were even invented....by idiots.....im never on time and i never will be....and anyway im not late universally...who needs stress when your dead.

You might be thinking – she’s had a run in with a mentalist there, you can’t pick on people who are poorly in the brain, but no – Derek had FB exchanges with ‘Colin’ and he genuinely was touting this round as potential material and claimed to have been ‘in the business’ for years.

I think if someone had hijacked c4c with paragraph after paragraph of this drivel, you’d have ripped him to shreds. Even the mild mannered Andy Wilson offered to hold the door open for him on the way out.

We had a similar problem with a God botherer from Hong Kong – again, no interaction, just links to youtube clips that would apparently prove the existence of God, and paragraph after paragraph of bible texts. I posted a couple of one line responses along the ‘not really interested’ line but did also invite her to explain her beliefs in her own words rather than just quoting the bible. When she continued with the bible texts, I set a poll asking whether people wanted me to lock the threads she was hijacking or leave it a bit. She actually just took herself off a day or so later anyway but that explains ‘Anyone coming on making trouble will feel the wrath of one of my polite polls about what we should do to crush them!’ It’s all in the context!

The fact that I don’t like Charlie isn’t fresh news. Along with the basic clash of personalities thing, yes, I did find it objectionable, for example to read his statement along the lines of no-one is interested in anything Sue Sanders writes, and to be sniped at, at fairly regularly intervals, sometimes just days after perfectly amicable face to face exchanges at an event. The popularity poll must have been a further aggravation, and prompted his curious posts in December on the spoilers thread, where in the space of five minutes he reminded me that he had more votes than me on the popularity poll (yep, to be expected) and then followed that up with a suggestion that the popularity poll isn’t worth the paper it’s written on (er…ok). That just takes things down a no win cul-de-sac, so I decided to bow out for a while. I did it on my birthday thread to keep it low key. I did return a few days later, essentially to respond to the nasty comments he was making, and after a brief locking of antlers, quite understandably, other people wanted it put to bed. I then unexpectedly received a public apology from Charlie – and I will confess to not knowing then or now whether it was genuine.

The immediate response to that apology being posted was that Jon Corby sent me a private message, asking me whether I believed it was genuine. Oh dear – fell right into the hands of the shit stirrer!

Anyway – as I say, it’s no secret that Charlie makes my hackles rise and those of you who’ve met me know I’m feisty. So I’ve vented some spleen about him personally in about 1 % of posts I’ve made on another forum. So, what the heck! However, seeing as apparently I’m really offended by rudeness, I’m being a total hypocrite. There’s me, got to 45 years of age thinking I know myself pretty well but thank goodness Jon Corby has come along and made an end of term project to put me right!!! Phew. I hope he found time to make me a hair shirt to wear!!
There's only one thing I don't understand and that's every word of this post.

Is there a version in some form of English or shall I be always in the dark?
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Jon Corby
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Post by Jon Corby »

Sue Sanders wrote:I don’t have the time on my hands that you seem to have Jon, to dedicate to this (you’ve been squirrelling things away since at least mid- March haven’t you?) ...However, well done on picking it up, and saving it during that three day window of opportunity all those weeks ago...
Nope, it was quoted in a PM sent to me. It wasn't intentionally squirrelled away but I thought it was relevant to add to the post.
Sue Sanders wrote:I think if someone had hijacked c4c with paragraph after paragraph of this drivel, you’d have ripped him to shreds.
Maybe, to Charlie, your posts similarly read like drivel. He's a very intelligent guy, and you are quite the idiot. Isn't this the behaviour you didn't like though, and were trying to escape from?
Sue Sanders wrote:The immediate response to that apology being posted was that Jon Corby sent me a private message, asking me whether I believed it was genuine.
Yes, I did send you that. We'd also exchanged PMs previously, once when I apologised to you for being overly harsh on you about something, and we also chatted about some different bits as well like ouija boards as I recall. Your forum didn't exist then, you hadn't done any of this, so how is that relevant? But anyway, since we're in the habit now of making PMs public, I don't write things in private that I wouldn't stand by in public, so we'll publish all our private conversations shall we? Go on, be brave - say yes.
Sue Sanders wrote:There’s me, got to 45 years of age thinking I know myself pretty well but thank goodness Jon Corby has come along and made an end of term project to put me right!!!
As I said, you can't see it. You didn't like Charlie sniping at you, so you started a forum where you could snipe at him. You've "recruited" people from this forum under the guise of escaping the insults etc, whereas in reality the only difference is you're the ones doling it out now. FFS, you and RB would never be allies in any other way other than your united hatred of Charlie. Surely you can see that?
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Lesley Hines
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Post by Lesley Hines »

David O'Donnell wrote:There's only one thing I don't understand and that's every word of this post.

Is there a version in some form of English or shall I be always in the dark?
It's cos you're Irish*, dear. Let me help...
Sue Sanders wrote:Sure, Oi don’ have de toime...

*For anyone wildly offended by this Doddy comes from about 10 minutes away from my Dad's hometown, and I'm sure he knows I'm joking.
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Post by David O'Donnell »

Lesley Hines wrote:
David O'Donnell wrote:There's only one thing I don't understand and that's every word of this post.

Is there a version in some form of English or shall I be always in the dark?
It's cos you're Irish*, dear. Let me help...
Sue Sanders wrote:Sure, Oi don’ have de toime...

*For anyone wildly offended by this Doddy comes from about 10 minutes away from my Dad's hometown, and I'm sure he knows I'm joking.
LOL, you fecker!!

Thanks though, I understand now.
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Julie T
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Post by Julie T »

Rather vile of Jon, but that's not exactly uncharacteristic of him, to post messages from a members only readable forum to a public readable forum.
Damian has made a great decision in leaving c4c, although he's left before and returned. It really doesn't look good for Countdown to have the producer writing such awful stuff online.

It's rather understandable, given the reasons why Derek's forum was set up, that we will sometimes slate the people responsible for making c4c so nasty that we felt happier talking about Countdown (and lots of other topics) elsewhere.
When you've been treated shittily, it would be a saint who wouldn't throw the odd barb outwards. I certainly do it. I'm not sure why Jon made a point of mentioning Sue - I don't find her insults (and she has thrown a few in my direction) anywhere near as hurtful as the crap that flies around c4c. She's always open to discussions.

Many of you, such as Jon Corby, Charlie Reams and Matthew Green, seem to enjoy saying incredibly hurtful stuff to other members in a blokey way that I really don't understand, and I don't accept the 'it's just a joke' defence.
However, there are also many of you (e.g. Jimmy Gough) who are quick to leap to someone's defence in a show of empathy that I would have been incapable of at such a young age.

In time, I expect that everything will settle down on Derek's forum. It's early days ffs!
"My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me." Benjamin Disraeli
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Matthew Green
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Post by Matthew Green »

I'm coming over to that forum and I'm going to abduct your children, perform scientific experiments on you all andsend you back in time. You hapless cunts.
If I suddenly have a squirming baby on my lap it probably means that I should start paying it some attention and stop wasting my time messing around on a Countdown forum
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