What if Americans had approved of a Countdown pilot?

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Jason Larsen
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What if Americans had approved of a Countdown pilot?

Post by Jason Larsen »

If Americans had approved of the Countdown pilot that was scrapped, what do you think would have happened?

I think it still would have failed but I also think Americans would have given it somewhat of a chance. I think Wink Martindale would have been, and still would be, an outstanding Countdown host. Yes, he is the same person who sang the song Deck of Cards back in 1958, and he covered Tex Ritter, who was the father of John Ritter. John Ritter was the star of Three's Company, which you all call Man About The House. Tex passed away, but he would have been a terrible game show host. Believe it or not, Alan Hawkshaw did compose the theme song to an American game show pilot called "We've Got Your Number." I know you all got US Jeopardy in England for a while, but the Countdown clock music would not have been nearly as infectious as the Final Jeopardy music. Granted, the idea of shooting a Countdown pilot was thought of long before Who Wants to be a Millionaire, but the thought of giving away a teapot to Americans would be really crazy. Americans drink more coffee than tea. So, Americans have brains after all, but I think it would be more difficult for them to think of big words and do math in their head. I wonder why these opinions just stick in my head sometimes.

What do the rest of you think about that?
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Damian E
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Re: What if Americans had approved of a Countdown pilot?

Post by Damian E »

If Americans had approved of the Countdown pilot that was scrapped, what do you think would have happened?
What pilot? There isn't one and never has been.

But if there HAD of been, you can bet it would have been sponsored by Wendy's - and the letters games would have consisted of just 5 letters, in association with Sesame Street and the Childrens Television Workshop.

It would be hosted by Casey Kasem, with Rue Paul doing the numbers - and like most US tv game-shows, it would be over-the-top brain-dead cheesy nonsense with all the appeal of a syphillitic teabag.
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M. George Quinn
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Re: What if Americans had approved of a Countdown pilot?

Post by M. George Quinn »

There's only one l in syphilitic but there's 56 es in "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I'll never get to do that again".
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Jason Larsen
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Re: What if Americans had approved of a Countdown pilot?

Post by Jason Larsen »

Oh, the pilot was scrapped and they never went through with it at all.

Casey Kasem on Countdown? Do you think he would demonstrate his terrible singing voice while he hosted?
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