Why is Series 65 so long?

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Johnny Canuck
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Why is Series 65 so long?

Post by Johnny Canuck »

I hope I wasn't the first to notice this anomaly, but does anyone else wonder why Series 65 is so long and why it started so early?

Going by number of episodes, Series 65 is much longer than 64, even if its summer break is excluded. Also, the last grand final was on 3 June, the earliest it's been in ages. I strongly suspected that something out of the ordinary was going on when that date was announced (as I'm sure a couple of you did).

But then there was nothing. No CoC, no yearly champion episode (although I'm told one was planned), no unexpected breaks, and the series is ending on 16 December just like it would if it were a normal length.

Can there be any explanations?

Unrelated: Happy birthday to Countdown :!: 29 and still looking decent.
I'm not dead yet. In a rut right now because of stress from work. I'll be back later in S89. I also plan to bring back the Mastergram - if I can find a way to run a timer or clock through pure MediaWiki without having to upload to Vimeo every time.
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James Robinson
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Re: Why is Series 65 so long?

Post by James Robinson »

Not a clue, was sort of asked at the start, but no answer seems to have been got.

This CoC XIV/Supreme Championship 2 idea seems out at the moment.

And with still no new host at the moment, it still seems like we're in some sort of limbo.
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